
Tomorrow I shall finally play that zombie DLC for Red Dead Redemption. I beat the main game twice, but for some reason I never played the expansion that has fucking ZOMBIES! I don't know what's wrong with me.

The tactic worked in the old days and seemed to fill the show with freshness and spontaneity, but it's clear that it's burnt them out and has lost its lustre. I think South Park would be better if they just had a regular production schedule, or even spent two weeks making an episode instead of one. More time would

I thought the Aunt Jemima scene was hilarious. Was it a reference to The Stand?

The Blair Witch is here!?!?!?!

Sheldon has changed from just being extremely annoying into being a true villain. He's repulsive, and all the other characters have become repulsive merely by the way they put up with him.

I remember years ago I listened to the DVD commentary of those two South Park episodes where they skewer Family Guy, and Matt and Trey said that right after the episodes aired, the writing staffs of both King of the Hill and The Simpsons sent them flowers and letters thanking them because of how much they hated Family

What the fuck was with the Homer & Lisa subplot? It literally took up like 2 minutes. There doesn't 'always' need to be a worthless B-story, while the main plot sucked, too, at least commit to it instead of having awkward 30-second cutaways to Homer and Lisa.

Regarding The Simpsons premiere, I don't understand why last year they were going on and on about how a character is going to die, when they've completely revealed that it's obviously going to be Krusty's dad. They kept trying to drum up suspense about who it would be, then they say "No one in the Simpsons family will

I think one of the problems is that they just can't write new characters at all. The last generation with great characters like Orton, HHH, Undertaker, The Rock, etc., was great, but there's been almost no one debuted in the last 5-10 years or so that you can imagine ever being iconic. WWE's going to have a problem

I really wish that the guy next to him had been cleaning his glasses while that was happening, they missed an opportunity with that one.

I loved when that girl got on the elevator, funniest part of the episode.

My favourite part about blowing up Megaton is how, when you go there afterwards, that one dumb girl is still alive (but now a ghoul) and is still blissfully unaware that you destroyed her home, killed all her friends, and turned her into a freakish mutant. This made me so happy for some reason.

Sava didn't understand the scene with Sheldon saying he wanted to have sex with Amy. He only said that to confirm whether or not she could hear him.

But what about the plague?

Fuck Kanye West and that orangutan he's always with, where's the American Dad review??????

I don't remember them ever saying how he was crippled in the first series, I thought the intent was for fans to just regard it as the same way it happened in the comics?

I know, which is why, if I were in charge of casting for this show, I would offer her the role of Raven as a present. If you imagine her without the tattoos, she actually looks like Raven, and she's age-appropriate.

I want Raven to be played by Christy Mack.

It has just been confirmed that Luke Perry will play Robin.

You seem to have extremely detailed knowledge of this event.