
He's already enough of an attention whore.

It was still pretty great, and there 'seemed' to be a lot of fans, but the last season had trouble breaking 1 million viewers an episode, so there was really nothing to be done.

Regarding The Simpsons, I think it's obvious that the character who dies will be Krusty's dad because there's a commercial where they show Comic Book Guy at a funeral and he's wearing a yarmulke.

As long as we're talking about Henry Rollins, why the hell is he hosting a historical show? "We're going to make a show about obscure historical facts, so we'll get it to be hosted by… that guy in the lame punk band with all those tattoos that look like they were drawn in crayon."

No, first the turtles would have to all get chlamydia.

I used to like pizza, but I think I ate so much of it that I'm sick of it now. Or maybe it's because I'm in my 20's. My parents told me that all adults end up hating certain foods that they loved as kids and perhaps it's true. I also hate pop tarts now, and I'm not quite as obsessed with chocolate as I used to be.

What do you mean? If everyone suddenly decided to only buy used games, no new games would be made and it would be an endless cycle of people buying used games (which is all the stores would carry, clearly) then trading them in again for other people to buy them and trade them in again, though that obviously wouldn't

There's also the fact that when you buy a used game, Gamestop gets all of the money and the studio that made it gets nothing, which is why I won't buy used games at all. If every gamer in the world only bought used games, then the industry would collapse.

The last time I was at Gamestop they asked for my weight…

Apparently these people have never heard the songs "Erections at an Animal Autopsy" or "Using Rape Babies as Riot Shields".