Welcome to the party, friend!
Welcome to the party, friend!
I teach women in their late teens and twenties, and I make it a point to engage them in a discussion about HPV and cervical cancer at least once during the semester. I use myself as an example, having been diagnosed in my early 20's with cervical cancer. I was too old for the HPV vaccine, but not too late to save my…
This loved one died of a preventable illness because she refused medical advice based on the same preposterous beliefs that govern the existence of heaven. She was killed by stupidity, leaving a child behind. Her responsibility was to be there for her child, and she chose prayer over sound scientific, medical advice.
Our neighbors, dad (33), mom (31) and their daughter and son (aged 9 and 6) were killed in a car accident two weeks ago and while everyone else has been about “angels” and “thank god they’re together in heaven” I’ve spent the past two weeks angry as fuck that an entire family is GONE, for no fucking reason. I know…
There is an awareness message here: Faith can be lethal. But that’s okay! Because this life is a doormat to wipe your feet on before you get to the real party.
I just want to look these people in the face and say WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. Come on
It’s no longer valid with Trump, no, because it’s an appropriate comparison. People have been discussing this quite a lot. As a Jew I’ve always been sensitive to abiding by GL because inappropriate comparisons to hitler/the holocaust are both logically and morally offensive. But this is a guy who has been encouraging…
I have no idea what you're talking about. That never happened. It sounds like you had an awful nightmare in which some unspeakable things happened, but that's all it was: a nightmare. Never happened. Wash and Zoe are just fine. They're terribly happy. She still makes him Wife Soup.
It’s intellectually sluggish to pretend that “all humans are capable of foul action” is the *same thing* as “all people are capable of leading and instigating the atrocities of Hitler”.
A few things.
Must be nice to believe in Heaven.
He’s not talking to conservatives. He’s talking to Trump supporters, who by definition, are in thrall with celebrity for its own sake.
Everyone banged Ares. Or maybe I just really wanted to. Sigh. He was amazing. All those goatees! </3
She banged Ares, right? And was crazy?
RIP Kevin Smith. You were amazing.
I’m 100% with you. Most of my political contributions go to the DNC.
OK, I’m gonna say a thing and it is, hands down, my biggest critique of Obama and 99% of young people today and also Bernie Sanders.
Yeah, but here’s the thing, Bernie is good for the party. Bernie’s rhetoric is changing the party’s tone and GUESS WHAT? People like leftist policies now! Can you imagine even four years ago people saying, “hey some aspects of European style socialism aren’t so damn bad! Let’s think about this!” No, no I can’t. I…
Losing from the statehouse down is absolutely what is killing us, the state and local level effect day to day life the most. The way things are set up we have have a consistently easier path to the White House, which is great for the Courts, but leaves us screwed in terms of policy and programs because state laws will…
Exactly - right now, it’s absolutely *critical* to get some Democratic Governors - because so much ground has been lost at the state level.
That’s everything wrong with the Democratic Party. It’s never about voting in progressive state senators, mayors, governors, congressmen, senators. It’s like President is everything.