Technically, the stages of grief are for the person dying, not the survivors. Anger is pretty much all we have.
Technically, the stages of grief are for the person dying, not the survivors. Anger is pretty much all we have.
In the biz, we call them narcissists. Or sociopaths.
I know I’m late to the party, but can we be friends?
I’m right there with you...
OMG - the abs...
I still remember the effing theme song. It’s now stuck in my head. I need some Trump whiskey...
Us olds need to stick together.
I’d watch that. I’d also love to see her tear into a role like Brienne (love GC in the role), but Gina? Yes, please.
thank you - it’s nice to know I’m not alone.
“modern-day Havana-born Cleopatra”