Winston Booth

I kind of want those purple mouthed Warlocks to come back

STANNIS: The Imp has played his little trick…he can't play it twice.

Yeah funny how staunch old conservatives can be talked into betraying their country as long as you assure them they're doing it to protect themselves from filthy foreigners….good thing that never happens in real life huh?

Kind of hoping Davos confronts Tyrion about the fact of his wildfire plan killing Davos' son.

I can't wait for Sansa, Cersei and Dani to be in a room together. It may not happen but…..

In the books Thorne presented Joffrey with a moving undead hand and I'm kind of sad the show never gave us that scene.

It's not really a regression. Betraying Robb and taking Winterfell takes a cocky dumb kind of bravery. Stabbing someone in the back Is different than running away. And Reek would have handed Yara over to Euron. This new Theon still has too much weakness in him


Euron just wants the Ironborn to be able to rape and pillage all of Westeros with Kings Landings approval. Diplomatic immunity!

I loved how Jack FELL ASLEEP when he took that waitress hostage in season one

Cersei can't fight. Much as i love her she can't wield a sword. Therefore she needs a boo hiss villain loyal to her who Jon Snow can have a sword fight with. That's his purpose on the show

Theon and Jon Snow, the two children raised by Ned but never a true Stark, will go on a buddy comedy Road trip together

I think Theons sacrifice will involve saving ALL of Westeros from the White Walkers. Plot twist: THEON IS THE PRINCE THAT WAS PROMISED

He, Jon Snow and Jaime are gonna spend a bottle episode trapped in a hut surrounded by zombies. Mark my words

To be fair if we had occasional winters that lasted generations we wouldn't be as advanced as we are now.

True….i can't really see Jon having a rationale discourse with Cersei but i do know I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing that. And Cersei and Dani? I can see it now…"They call you the mother of dragons. You have no idea what it's like to be a mother."

I'm still sad we never got a Walt Jr/ Jesse interaction. Walter called his own son JESSE by mistake. That had to have messed him up. But I'm most sad that Jesse and Marie only had one scene together. Those two both ramble on about inane bullshit nobody cares about, they'd have gotten along GREAT.

Don't worry. The wolf will come back when Aryas surrounded by zombies

I want my support group scene between him and Grey Worm and Varys.

I love that Cersei has a mad scientist, a monster AND a pirate king. The Disney villain queen trifecta!