Winston Booth

Did anyone else laugh when Littlefinger was all like "Yeah KING IN THE NORTH you were doing a great job leading your people into slaughter before i came down and saved your ass, bitch."?

The reason we see more dragons than wolves is because fur is a pain in the ass to create from scratch on a computer. Now, why they don't just build a giant animatronic wolf and use VFX in post to smooth it out in post is a goddamn mystery. Stop thinking you have to create everything from scratch. VFX were meant to

Everyone calm down. When Arya is surrounded by zombies and all hope is lost her Direwolf will return to her

Is there a good reason why, out of the four leads, the two white guys get paid more? Give me that reason because PR wise it's a dumb ass move

Is there where we tell Asian actors to be grateful they're paid at all and to never question why they're paid less than their co stars? And what shitty co stars to expect them to be paid less and not raise a peep.

Hawaii Five 0 should be grateful for this controversy because it's the most anyones ever talked about the show for the Past eight fucking years. But pay your actors even if they're not white CBS Jesus Christ.

Jesse thought the Saint was called off. He doesn't know it's still after him

Yeah Littlefinger doesn't get enough credit for defeating Jackie Chan in SHANGHAI KNIGHTS

I can see a scenario where Arya slips up and Cersei catches on that the person who's talking to her isn't Qyburn.

Not even SAM respected Stannis

Its sad that Stannis gets so little respect that even SAM blew him off

Everyone is so sure that's what the mark means but no one on the show has ever said that. They really should have been a lot clearer though on what the fuck it actually means

I forsee a Bran flashback where he sees a young Littlefinger spying on Jons true parents

It would be pretty bad ass if the white walkers make entire oceans freeze

It's like when you take a few pens with you when you quit your job. Except that it's faces

It might relate to Melisandres sorcery that makes her look younger

Every disagreement between her and Jon drives her closet to Littlefinger

Plus the average viewer has no idea Jon is a Targaryan.

Man i'd love it if Arya got a chance to tell Cersei how much she wishes she was there to watch Joffrey die.

Killing the sand snakes would endear him to both the audience AND Cersei.