Winston Booth

Man i really wish one of Aryas first faceless man assignments was to sneak into Meeran and kill the Dragon queen

I can see a scenario where Jon and Jaime push for peace while Sansa and Cersei plot to murder the other. It'd be hilarious if Arya abandoned her revenge quest to be with her family….only for Sansa to ordet her back to Kings Landing to kill Cersei.

"Hey next time you burn people alive can you let me say a few words first?"

She'll probably end up throwing in with Cersei since she has no qualms about burning hundreds of people alive

He should have listened to Stannis and sent Thorne away. Without him the rest of the mutineers would have just grumbled.

I think the real question will be: will Jon be willing to forgive the Lannisters and work with them to defeat the white walkers? And even if he does, will Sansa allow it or undermine that alliance considering everything the Lannisters did to her?

I was hoping they'd stumble across Melisandre all alone struggling to put on her necklace.


He'll play the marriage counselor to Tony and Steve. Spidey is the kid they're battling for custody

You think they're gonna skip over him collecting the stones? The first and second act are a treasure hunt

"Hi Peter it's me, Uncle Thor, you're new mentor!"


Iron Man. I'm not kidding. Imagine poor Peter losing his mentor and having to carry phase IV of marvel all on his own. Passing of the torch moment at the end of Avengers 4. It writes itself.

Unless I'm mistaken each of the Black Order will be dispatched to retrieve a stone.
-Dr Strange has the time stone
-The Nova Corps have the power stone
-Loki disguised as Odin has the space stone
-The Collector has the reality stone
-Vision has the mind stone in his forehead

A web (no pun intended Spidey) series detailing what Hawkeye and Bruce were up to all of phase 2?

There's enough Enthusiasm for the guardians to meet the Avengers Alone to turn 250 million into an easy billion. Throw in a Spider Man thats so good it makes everyone forget about AMS2 and you have Enough money to buy a Doctor Doom country.

Not having the climax be Tonys Doctor Frankenstein directly taking down Ultrons Frankensteins monster was a glaring oversight. Tony created this thing and spends the third act passively flying around it? He should have EARNED forgiveness for creating a death robot

It looks like Ebony Maw brainwashes Dr Strange Into handing over his time stone and talking him into opening a portal to a giant eyeball tentacle monster to come through, causing Iron Man to come down and chastise the good doctor but soon forgets about it when Bruce comes out of the shadows just in time to unleash

Maybe he doesn't have a home to go back to. It is RAGNAROK after all.

Wow. You make a hit show if it's so easy. And AMC behaved like a spoiled greedy ungrateful child. Darabont made the SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION but sure, he's just a guy. Jesus Christ