Winston Booth

It's white privilege to think going out and smacking inner city kids around accomplishes anything. Luke was right, aim for the guys at the top

Not executing the monster who killed their father is a definite betrayal in Cersei's eyes. Loyalty or death. Her and Dani will have a lot in common!

"Look they have two blacks it's okay" I don't know man at this point white people shouldn't touch subjects like this. Black suffering shouldn't be white people's entertainment

I think it's more a case of taking Any excuse to fire someone absolutely no one likes

Lol way to cowardly change the subject. If You're going to pretend to be a liberal don't do the conservative thing. "But but Timmy threw a rock at Jimmy and you didn't say anything when HE did it." Fucking childish. Just like Lord. "Sieg hiel! Cuz you're like a Nazi get it? Oh shit I'm fired so i guess no one got the

Aw they make a big enough deal out of her dad we'll see him down the road. Besides the swamp lands of House Reed separate the North from the rest of the seven kingdoms. Strategically that's got to be important.

I thought we were done with the Faceless Men, but with Braavos and the Iron Bank on team Cersei…we could be looking at Davos or Missendei being replaced by assassin doppelgangers.


I think after seven seasons Dani still has no idea how to direct her dragons. Sure She can ride Drogon but she can't tell the other two what to do or where to go. Now, if there was another Targaryan running around capable of flying another of her dragons…

"God exists and He's irrelevant." -Herr Starr

You're a professor. Shouldn't you care?

I have never been more disappointed than the reveal of Dr Doom wolves with sneetches and light sabers. Just….WHAT?

I think there are some who work for the crimson king who think wiping the slate Clean would allow one to reshape the universe in their image

They're called Lobstrocities because there lobster monstrosities. Not kidding!

That's the second book,where Roland is sick from the infection of having his fingers chopped off and half his bullets got wet so he never knows when a misfire is gonna Happen. A great way to build suspense.

THE DEAD ZONE is the only one that does. But it's unrealistic. If Trump used a baby as a human shield he'd still get votes

You mean the ending ending or the climax of minor character from INSOMNIA erases insane Santa Claus who throw Harry potter sneetches and goes EEEEEE?

Lol good one

Ìts kind of excessive to assume all women and all men are the way they are based on…grandpa's drunken ramblings?

The point of the analogy is nets are supposed to catch the big fish but our justice system continues to let them go while obsessing over little fish. Hence, a net that lets big fish go but only catches little fish. And it's really quite embarrassing that you couldn't figure such a simple concept out on your own and