Winston Booth

SHOOTER loses points for me in its quest to be realistic by sidelining the main character for most of the running time. It's like, I get it, in real life flesh wounds can't be shrugged off but the reason we don't linger on every gunshot wound an action movie hero gets is because well…they have to…do the action part

Like it or not Hot Fuzz didn't have as much of an impact on cinema as 300 did. The better movie? Of course. But which movie had thousands of imitators afterwards? Hell, there were better action films than BOURNE but BOURNE pretty much set the tone for the next DECADE. Much as I don't like TAKEN that speech Neeson

I don't know guys, maybe this whole "anonymous comments on internet" thing has led to Nazis actually thinking they're accepted enough to show their faces and murder people? The thing is…they're RIGHT. Where were the cops? Where was the tear gas? The rubber bullets? ARMED Nazis were patrolling and cops WEREN'T THERE.

"I am how you say, American Joe, da? Coca Cola! Baseball! Apple Pie! All hail glorious leader Trump! Anti-fa is real enemy, da? Keep killing each other American pigs, let the Nazis take your country, OUR blood stopped them last time! All hail glorious leader Puti-er Trump!"

That Russia to English translator must be broken.

"leader?" As in "All hail glorious leader Trump?" Take your "I am how you say, American Joe, da?" shtick somewhere else, Ruskie. Vodka's the only thing your country's good for.

Hypocritical is blaming all Muslims for the crimes of a few while saying nothing when literal Nazis march on the streets. We have a president who isn't brave enough to stand against Nazis. Fucking NAZIS. If that doesn't scare you, you must be a white guy certain they'll never come for you. Coward.

That's swell. Let's make another joke about how the show seemed fine without women writing it so no big loss, eh?

"Actual Nazi"

Your parody wasn't stupid enough. Mother of Nazi who ran people over actually said "He had an African American friend…"

lol Nazis aren't white issues. They're enemies of America. If you feel different then go find a country that's friendly to Nazis.

Here's some concise: I see a Nazi I'm hitting it with a baseball bat before it kills someone I love.

Here's my free speech: Nazi fucks come to MY town, they're getting a fucking baseball bat to their "oppressed" faces. Now go on and tell me I'm "just as bad" while you stand there and let these fucking Nazis run people over.

What shame would anyone feel being a part of the Black Lives Matter movement? The same shame as being outed as a fucking Nazi? Don't know if you know this but we kind of fought a war against Nazis.

White people in general need to get their shit together and stomp this Nazi bullshit out before it spreads again. Good lord we suck. Unwilling to have one uncomfortable conversation with co-workers and family members is why people are being run over by Nazis.

Oh sure, not you, just wondering why that other guy brought up IT'S PAT to begin with. Did he love that sketch so much it stuck in his craw?

You're right, the feminists are the real bullies and they're the reason Donald Trump was elected.

Wait, if everyone agrees Pat wasn't that funny than why even defend…what? What are we doing here folks? Long term?

Thank you. I think too many people get reflexively defensive. I love THE ROAD WARRIOR but if someone saw a poster for it on my wall and went " Ugh, Mel Gibson…" my first reflex isn't to defend Mel Gibson. It's to admit yeah, he's a racist piece of shit, but ROAD WARRIOR's a fantastic film that I enjoy. It can be both.

I know conflict is the source of drama, but I miss how the comic got you to LIKE hanging out with this trio. They had fun, and you had fun with them. But from the beginning it just seems like someone's always mad at someone else for something and there's not much camaraderie? Tulip from the very beginning was upset