Winston Booth

Yeah the fact that he's in it at all is a blessing, but maybe it'll be another "snipes a henchmen from across the roof, nods, then walks away like he actually contributed something" scene.

And his origin has always been the racist "white man goes to Asia and gets better at Kung Fu then any of them" trope. Time to move on. Shit's boring.

Batman is smart enough to know that breaking into people's houses isn't a…friendly thing to do? "But Danny was raised in-" He was TEN when he got there. When I was ten I knew not to break into people's homes! Yeeesh.

"Oh, HOMELESS MAN, I guess to everyone we're the same, huh?"
"You're fucking sleeping outside, we ARE the same you asshole, what, you think you're better than me?"
"Hey, where's my free sandwich? Every homeless guy gets them right?"

It's out of a pretty honest desire to do away with the blatantly racist origin developed in a time when having an Asian main character would cost you sales but having yet another white guy dabble in "Asian mysticism" was all the rage as long as you didn't lean to hard into that weird culture. Kung Fu started in Asia.

Maybe it was because I started it at 3 AM when it came out but yikes that first episode put me to sleep.

Just use Bronn to get to Jaime to get to Cersei. Grey Worm to get to Missendei to get to Dani. Podrick to get to Brienne to get to Sansa. Gendry to get to Davos to get to Jon Snow. Expect ONE of those to happen!

It doesn't amuse me that people are so entitled they take the hard work of people like me for granted. I get paid less because people like you refuse to pay for the entertainment you think grows on trees. How do you suggest people like me get paid if people like you refuse to pay for anything? How OLD are you, spoiled

"They're not hurting anyone"

Having Herr Starr approach Jesse and offer to help him is…much smarter than the comic Herr Starr ever was. Granted, he tried in the comic and mixed up Cassidy for Jesse but…this is much smarter. Of course Jesse will be tempted to use their resources. And of course Herr Starr will try to turn him against his friends.

Why hire an army when the Iron Bank can recommend some Faceless assassins who can slip in close to Jon and Dani?

"Hey you guys want some crack I'm not condoning you do anything illegal I'm just saying if you want some crack here's where you can find it, its out there, its good stuff, not condoning it but just saying it's out there."

Not Nazis. Don't know why you think they're welcome here. If you let them kill people I don't know what to say to you. Please stand up to them? Please protect people from them? I'd rather die fighting Nazis then be a chicken shit coward letting them hurt people.

We are no longer a leader in anything. You can thank the reality tv star casino owner in charge for that.

Yeah someday I can be just like you.

Yeah yet another white guy who thinks he's hilarious. Gotta go, Nazis are fucking killing people. Make a joke about feminists now.

Exactly. Much as I would like HOT FOZZ to be the representative of that year, I can't deny that 300 had more of an impact. I generally agree with every pick on this list. It's not a list of the BEST of that year. It's a list of what INFLUENCED and had an IMPACT that year.

Alright Mr. Pedantic, ever been turned down for a job because of your gender? Your race? Your religion? Who you loved? Whatever. Enjoy being an another white anonymous coward hiding behind a cartoon character. Nazis are running people over in this country and somebody has to stand up to them. Clearly it won't be you.

Wish we had a president who took that seriously. Instead his response to this will be to go golfing again. You know, I thought republicans reached a low point with Bush, but is there ANY defense for the mess they've made? Speak up, conservatives. Defend your party. Defend your president. He's yours. OWN IT.

You can't tell me, as a white man, that you've never encountered a group of white men saying clearly bigoted things and felt it was too awkward to point out how bigoted it is. C'mon now.