Winston Booth

I mean, I can't really think of any other show where the person who wrote the pilot was locked out of the writer's room. Kind of important to keep that person around for a little bit.

I mean, you're not wrong, but locking the writer of the pilot out of the writer's room is pretty shitty.

No one's telling you how to feel. That's something you have to decide on your own. But you can't wave it away like it's nothing. Pat was funny. Pat was also very damaging to trans people. Simpsons were funny. They also locked the person who wrote the pilot out of the writer's room because…the showrunner was going

I mean she did write the pilot. Kind of odd to lock someone out after they write the very first episode and set the tone…

Hey couldn't be worse than the last 17 years.

You're right who needs women at all? You got your hand, I'm sure that gets a lot more love.

Uh…does it ever occur to you that maybe you're helping these criminals by letting everyone know exactly what data they've found and what's out there? It's like doing a report on drug dealing but framing it like "I HEARD there's some pretty great stuff in that part of town. Some guy named Leon. Not condoning it but if

I don't know, its better than:
-Cradling your star crossed lover's body in your arms after she's been killed by a little boy avenging his mother who thought he was trying to help you and one season later stabs you in the heart
-Smothering your lover to death in a mercy killing because you traded your baby's soul for

Yeah well you and everyone should be excited for the two of them to meet. Mother of Dragons vs Mother of Dead Kids.

"This happens folks, let me tell you, the wildlings, sometimes, they throw over bags of this new drug called Dragonglass, have you heard of this folks? And sometimes, these wildling bastards, savages, the lot of them, right folks, they throw the bag and it hits a good hard working Northman right on the head!"

Oh god Davos is totally the sidekick in Jon Snow's wacky romantic comedy. It used to be Sam until he got with a single mother. In fact, Sam is doing better romantically than Jon, Dani AND Tyrion.

Season Eight Qyburn is just a brain in a jar inside of a steam punk robot.

Pretending like every single Indian person DOES have that Apu accent is way more ludicrous but good luck explaining that to every single casting director.

You're right clearly there's a legitimate reason to discriminate against transgender folks just like wasting 3 million trying to keep gay marriage illegal was done because marriage is so sacred those very same voters went for the guy who said "Until death" three fucking times.

I feel like if someone fights for my freedom then who cares what's between their legs. And if young men and women ARE going to fight and die, they better be doing it for a damn good cause and not because George W. Bush made a whoopsie on some bad intel, sorry you guys wasted your lives for nothing.

lol your goofy anonymous ass doesn't have any friends, NFL or transgender.

Being famous must be terrible because random people come up to you and demand you be their friend and if you're not willing to talk to every single person you meet they'll spread stories about what an asshole you are.

I mean, Indian people aren't some different species…you can talk to some and see for yourself. Most sound like…you and me.

I think Indian people especially have a legitimate beef with white people playing them over and over and over as the goofiest stereotype imaginable. MASTER OF NONE handled this quite well. For some reason when it comes to Indian people, we just can't resist getting white guys in brown make up floating in a yoga pose

My girlfriend AND my father. Wow, this really backfired on you, huh?