
I remember one of my coworkers showed me a pack of stickers he bought at the auto parts store. You were supposed to put them on your gas tank and they would give you better mileage by “realigning the gas molecules” and cleaning contaminants from the fuel. They were literally just stickers, and they were like $10. I

Aggressive exploitative economics is a Blight on society.

It is the poor people that want to buy into this garbage that is the issue, it is always the issue with gimmicks like these. The amount of money rich people will spend on these products is a fraction of a fraction of a rounding error in their yearly budget. Low-income earners are the ones product like this hurts.

It’s rich people eating their own. So, yeah, I guess it is taking food out of the mouths of the poor.

Did they steal their business plan from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia?

Never forget. After the convention she was off raising money in the Hamptons while Trump was barn storming across the electoral divide. Such idiocy.

I don’t have any trust issue with my back button on my Android phone though... And I definitely find it very, very useful.

Massa done sent him back out to work the fields, huh?

Question: Was there any outside verification that Clarke was actually ever offered a position at DHS or is this whole situation a fiction of his own making?

On the other hand, the lawman can now stick around to face charges for inmate abuse, etc.

Good news for the United States, bad news for Milwaukee County. 

Exactly. I like to call them out on it.

“Gone are the days when I’ll be asking for when Mother 3 is coming out”

No they’re not. What even gives you that impression? We have seen Nintendo keep IPs forever locked away or suddenly change genre when they don’t know what to do with them.

Yeah I appreciate the effort Stephen but this was frustrating to read through. No answers other than maybe we’ll have a wireless phone chat thing? Maybe? What about X, Y, Z? Everyone is complaining/worried/excited? Reggie: We hear them but we can’t say if we’re going to x,y,z. JESUS MAN.

The answer to your question is two in seven years.

That’s a funny one. How many Zelda games did they release on the DS?

Oh, I completely understand why he doesn’t say more and that it’s not really his fault. My problem is more him feeding his reputation of being a straight shooter when he’s not.

I don’t know, a lot of them give non-committal bullshit answers, but they don’t build their reputations on being larger than life figures.

Reggie is a marketing mouth piece, and not even a good one. Expect nothing less than bullshit and non-answers.