
I concur, but let’s not forget that arrogance was what put the XBone where it is now. Apparently, there’s no way to prevent those “winning” from getting that victory get to their heads, with catastrophic results.

Idk if we read the same article. The one I read, they are saying they are doing it to protect the little children who might be exposed to outside influences they can’t control from other communities. And you use the word “business excuses” as if corporations operate according to some other logic or have other values

They had explored crossplay with PC (Shadowrun in 2007), unfortunately, as they discovered, KMB players completely dominated gamepad players.

Ms was the same way last generation where they didn’t support cross play when Sony supported it, they didn’t want to release Xbox exclusives on the 360 because it would hurt their console sales, and tried to make their console have a drm where you can buy used games.

Now it feels like they gave up on PS+. They used to give out amazing titles and AAA games. If it’s license troubles they should just cut Vita and PS3 from the service to allow better PS4 titles.

No it’s not. It’s stupid. Sony broke records, consistently, both hardware, software and even the occasional perirpherial.

Bullshit. If anything, it is a case for. That way we know who the assholes and hypocrites are.

b...but they had a game they announced that had battles that really happened in Japan. Like the giant crab!

Oh yeah, tons of people forget that Sony was a laughing stock from 2006-2008. Then MS essentially did the same thing in 2013. These brands are only as good as their last fuck up.

Yeah we felt this attitude when on the tail end(a week or two after) of the holiday parties celebrating the biggest year for Playstation ever, when they laid off the entirety of a 20-year old department. Just to outsource it to a place that did work frequently filled with errors. So any time the last year you’ve seen

This. I’m getting flashbacks to “we don’t need no stinking hard drive that’s stupid”

Sony seem to have this mentality lately of “we have sold more consoles so fuck our customers they bought them anyway so why do good things?” Not a good long term game plan . MS seem the best lately in terms of giving owners what they want which surprises no one more than myself. Nintendo finally seemcto be listening

Pretty much. Sony’s been on that PS2 era ego trip all generation so it doesn’t surprise me that they have a weak ass excuse for not supporting crossplay.

A successful Sony is also an arrogant Sony. And an arrogant Sony leads to colossal future fuck ups.

Yeah, no. That same “disinfectant” logic turned out to be nectar for the imbecile Trump fanbase. Now look where we are.

Yeah, but the cultists are going to lap it up whether he’s on TV or not. Better to shine a light on it, like you said, and show the world what a fuckball he is.

Post-Trump America is a solid argument for why we should get on inventing Skynet. Humans are the fucking worst.

I think the whole sunlight ... thing depends on the listener having some ability at critical thinking. Which, sadly, it seems more and more Americans are lacking. I kinda wonder ... accidental or not, the way the conservative nut jobs took over local board of educations all over the country, then dumbed down and or

‘D’j’ever notice that only right-wingnuts are trotted out this way? They need to be seen! We neeeed to understand them! But lefties? Left by the side of the road to languish. As we remember Bernie was, until it looked like he maybe could upset Hillary, and then: let’s watch us some ‘dems in disarray!’

Sunlight is the best disinfectant” and all that.