
Not worth $800. Whomever bought that from you was god damned dumb.

Kingdom Heats 00.8: Nightmare Bust Crossing. It’s the one where we get to play as Chip and Dale as they get their Gummi Ship degrees.

Wow. Kingdom Hearts counted to 3 before Valve did. Considering they literally made several titles with the IP using decimals, I am mildly shocked.

Mama Mia! That’s a murder!

The Vita will die once we start seeing that Lesbian Loli Visual Novel games are being published on the Switch in Japan.

If you want to be a pedant, sure. But everyone else is going to have a conversation with words with understood meanings, and I guess you’ll be left out.

First of all, this wasn’t treason. Secondly, that’s not actually the sentence for treason. Thirdly, your little outburst of stupidity is noteworthy for being the first and only time I have ever seen anyone in the “Manning is a traitor” camp refer to her by the correct gender. Most of them go out of their way to say

Manning was convicted of exceeding authorized access, 18 USC 1030(a)(1), stealing government property, 18 USC 641, and violating the Espionage Act of 1917, 18 USC 793(e). The act of sharing documents or records with a third party is colloquially referred to as “leaking” by the press, the White House, and the FBI, etc.

You can’t demand on time 24 hour service and then complain about service disruptions when stations, signals and tracks are being upgraded so that we can run 24 hour on time service. You can’t have it both ways.

It takes surprisingly little to be an asshole.

“She” is the correct pronoun, you fucking dolt.

Technically all it takes is self-identification and some willingness to live that way for the rest of one’s life. Why does it matter in the first place?

you don’t read much, do you?

Nope. All it takes is just saying you are. You have to respect it apparently.

Perry is trapped by her new aesthetic

The massive payout when they dethroned next year? I mean Washington is a revolving door of lobbyists and special interests. Whatever happens, they have f-ed up the voting electorate so much that even if any of them endorse their replacement, that guy will win.

You know it’s bad when Claire McCaskill is unloading on Republicans. The Elizabeth Warrens and Kamala Harris’ of the world might be more fiery, outspoken and even progressive than she is, but their “campaigning” for reelection is really just a victory lap.