... what do you think that phrase means? It’s meaning is so self evident I have a really hard time imagining it meaning something else, but I’m willing to be wrong.
... what do you think that phrase means? It’s meaning is so self evident I have a really hard time imagining it meaning something else, but I’m willing to be wrong.
It’s kind of like if the tool you made lets people make keys. That’s useful for legitimate purposes and illegitimate purposes; it’s the end user that decides whether to make copies of their own keys, replace a key they’ve lost... or make a key to their neighbors house and steal all their stuff.
Wow, that Tracer looks just like Tracer! Too bad that Emily looks nothing like Emily.
I think it might be like this forever
Be nice to Zinsi, she’s not a video maker, she’s a manager who oversees a team of neckbeards. She’s very smart and compassionate but she’s not an improv master, ok? Leave Zinsi alone!
No it’s Putin for sure, look at the picture, that’s def Putin
What? You have no basis for this. Why assume conspiracy from Google? They’ve been straightforward in the past. They really have no reason to lie. “Problems are bad for business” isn’t really true. Problems *are* business.
Top image really makes it look like Beardo’s mom is making him apologize...
I wonder why they don’t show off that information. The alternate skins in Heroes of the Storm have a little text box describing effect changes.
I don’t believe that any of those things are true. I agree that working conditions for factory workers overseas should be better, but poor working conditions and slavery are starkly different things.
“So why the expectation of Pokemon Go becoming a PvP or trading game?”
These ‘new features’ require a sequel? Pokémon had these features in 1996. And Niantic advertised these features (along with co-op legendary capturing) as launch elements of this game.
You win these comments
I imagine they’ll do other things to make manual driving inconvenient - making tolls dependent on the V2V system, for instance, like many states did to basically mandate their version of fast-pass. We also see a lot of news about the ‘dangers’ of autonomous driving, but it’s not too hard to imagine a future where…
Increase vehicle weight? You already carry the required hardware in your pocket, I don’t think you’ll notice any increase in fuel consumption.
Automation can solve all of these problems! Except being on the phone, I imagine that will be normalized once drivers have nothing to do.
Overwatch, if everyone was Genji.
So, the same, but with face masks for everyone.
As someone who was raised by a woman, your spouse looks like they could perform a vulgar act.
Hey grandma, this can let you leave the house without leaving the house. Only 600$.