Is it... dangerous to drum on a can?
Is it... dangerous to drum on a can?
woke af
For sure. I bet they poop though. I mean, since they pee.
You’ve ruined baby carrots for me.
Join the Reformed Church of Satan. We offer 70% less Satan, and our blood offerings are only on every third Friday. We kept all the orgies though!
Yes, surely Christian conservatives will become powerless to stop scientist once they align themselves with Satan. They will undoubtedly respect those particular religious beliefs.
We’ve seen them pee.
I missed the shower episode?
Billy: “I thought the hosts don’t poop?”
Power? For an old west theme village? Can’t imagine they need very much of it. The Mesa Gold resort, the command and repair areas, sure.
No, that doesn’t track. Putting out content the way he does takes work - and appealing to tweens is his unique talent. His success included an element of luck - as it usually does - but it would have been impossible without hard work and talent.
(Oh, and if you go back, I never made fun of Nietzsche. For the record.)
I’m not interested in proving anything to you. I never asked for clarification of anything, either. I’m a little puzzled why you keep summarizing events; I was there for everything you described. I know what was said and in what order.
That’s a fair summary, but it leaves out the only thing I challenged you on: you invoked the great minds of antiquity in defense of a hateful slur uttered in a moment of weakness. Not one of the men you mentioned would take your side on that, save perhaps Diogenes, the original trolling troll, whose example I somehow…
But it wins sometimes, and isn’t against the rules. Maybe the rules need to change.
So your position is that you are a troll, but were called a troll before you actually started trolling, thus warranting your defensive slur. I do not think you have apologized, I just think you ought to. You claim you were further driven to slurs by an invitation to suicide. Now you invite me to die also, but I for my…
So thin, the skin on this Nietzschean. You keep assuming I’m not read, my bro. Where’d you get that idea broseph? Think you’re the only guy to ever crack a book, guy?
Sounds awesome. Makes sense as a character arc.
You might have studied rhetoric, my dude. Most of us do. But you should have studied virtue bro. Rhetoric without virtue is sophistry; rhetoric with virtue is philosophy, and truth. What Nietzschean principles were you following when you lost your temper and called someone retarded broski? Do you imagine you were…