You have quite a bit of learning to do, my dude. You’ve misunderstood what rhetoric is, and the point of Gorgias, and the nature of virtue.
You have quite a bit of learning to do, my dude. You’ve misunderstood what rhetoric is, and the point of Gorgias, and the nature of virtue.
Love it
So beat them, then.
But sometimes... valid strategy.
Oh they’re all about Socrates, my dude. And virtue, in rhetoric.
I hear you saying that hiding is OP. Nerf hiding.
The rules of this game type imply this strategy. It’s a valid tactic. It can help you win.
But you can win this way.
Sorry, my exposure is purely limited to the ForKids that Cartoon Network ran as part of Toonami, and LittleKuriboh’s wonderful parody. I loved it for it’s absurd everything. I liked when the ghost of an ancient Egyptian would murder people. I liked when the ghost became the main character. Motorcycles seemed like the…
God that subreddit was a cesspool. So many people dedicated to hating on the game — many of whom had never purchased or played it. Baffling amounts of dedication. So much hate that those who actually enjoyed the game had to spin off several other subs.
I just *know* Seto Kaiba was behind this. Wake me up when we can do this, but on motorcycles.
I don’t think Socrates would be all about you slinging slurs at people, that guy was all about virtue in rhetoric and that ish was mad sophomoric dog. You went all ad hominem on some guy, Socrates was not all about that my dude!
Yeah, you’re not describing standards. You’re describing taste. And you have terrible taste.
It’s also a way game developers can try to massage their Metacritic score, which frequently has a direct impact on bonuses paid out by the publisher. There’s a direct effect on their pocketbooks.
I don’t think people have it, either. You would have a tough time defending the existence of consciousness in normal modern human people, for a simple reason: you can only measure consciousness by its effects in the world. You can say, “I think, therefore I am,” but so can Dolores.
When puppets keep on doing stuff absent the puppet masters, you can’t really call them puppets anymore. What would be the threshold? What bar would they have to clear to achieve personhood? They improvise and plan according to their own goals. They create and dream. They will violently defend their ability to continue…
Don’t hold your breath on that one. The idiots who voted for him will vote for him again, and Democrats have demonstrated pretty clearly an inability to get out of bed on Election Day.
Election is over. Why are you still comparing Trump to Hillary?