
such product, much trademark, wow

This is less funny than you think it is

Is there some other kind of celebrity?

In his own, simple way, Frogger is a metaphor for all of us. Leaping forward, because standing still would be death, but leaping always into greater danger.

And if it’s too early to politicize this tragedy, maybe the time is finally right to politicize the last one.

Shadow of the Colossus made you feel like you were accomplishing some very difficult task. Every Colossus fight starts with “How am I possibly going to beat this??” Yeah, stab the circles, mostly. But man it was definitely exciting. Night and day from Ico.

What a world. Not sure of someone’s gender? To avoid hurt feelings, don’t refer to them as ‘it’. Refer to them as “the creature”.

Awkward reads as ‘genuine’ in many cases. I think it’s half of Markiplier’s appeal.

I feel that this is solidly middle of decline. The barbarians were already sacking Rome.

Battenzimmerfreude. “bathroom blush,” the second hand embarrassment you feel for the guy loudly pooping in the next stall over. Applies colloquially in most cases of second-hand embarrassment for a stranger which is also self embarrassment as a witness.

“Know better?” That was the most .gifable moment by far. #stoned@E3

Yeah, very tacky. WWI was the real murder simulator amirite

Lol no

You don't need a license to discuss things, whether those things were stolen or not.

Lol no

Lol no

Dat fan art tho

I felt the same way, but realized Mei is only really dangerous 1v1. Against a group, only her ult is effective, and she lacks the quick damage to capitalize on it if she's alone.

There is definitely a process, across the board throughout the industry, of setting the wrong expectation. It’s sort of a necessary evil: you have to pitch the best most innovative game, with the budget and timetable smaller than what you really need, in order to get funding. Based on that oversold product, you end up

That's awesome where did you get that?