It’s actually very similar to film trailers. A lot of time the effects in a trailer will be done by a different effects house than the final product, and while scenes in trailers sometimes don’t appear in the final film.
It’s actually very similar to film trailers. A lot of time the effects in a trailer will be done by a different effects house than the final product, and while scenes in trailers sometimes don’t appear in the final film.
That is not what they were saying here. It’s what they’ve said in the past: “It’s impossible. And you don’t want it, it’s a bad idea.” This conversation went very differently. This time they said, “It would be pretty hard. But I can see the appeal.”
You are not alone.
Yeah, lately it’s been a lot of “WHAT SECRET IS SHADOW MARIO HIDING” and I’m like, neat, okay sure MatPat what you got and then he’s all “so in the Mario RPG” and I’m like goddamnit MatPat I respect how deep you are into the Mario lore but the further you get from the primary franchise, the weaker your evidence, man.…
I like both of them. I even like what shoddycast is now (which is basically idea channel/game theory lite hybrid). But goddamn I hate how off-mission shoddycast is. They started out specifically declaring their intention to discuss, share, and present game lore and narrative in a way that makes it more approachable to…
I’ll have to pour over it all with a discerning eye, see if I can find hidden secrets.
Like, you can heal your teammates completely, if you hit them directly in the head with your healing blasts?
What if this video game actually takes place within the video game arcade cabinets within the video game within their universe, which is a video game, but also, this game has that plot of being a meta-videogame-videogame-cabinet-meta-videogame, so it just turtles all the way down forever. Man that'd be neat.
Also, Destiny and Overwatch aren't machismo fueled sausage fests.
Free mobile game = cash grab. Okay bro sounds legit
Wow, feudalism sounds brutal.
With the size of the hyperviolent neon tattooed street gang with grenades and whatnot right next to your house, maybe don’t send your kid alone to pick up the groceries, Mama.
Same reason he releases you. To kill Kellogg and ensure his legacy.
Not exactly, but close. The Memory Loungers work on Synths - it’s how the Railroad works.
Easy - he looks down his nose at everybody.
Not to mention, you do remember before the bombs. “In the year 1945, my great great grandfather, serving in the army, wondered when he’d get to go home to his wife, and the son he’d never see... if my time in the army taught me one thing, it’s that war never changes.”
Replaced in cryo, after Shaun’s abduction. Plenty of time unaccounted for.
Nick is a prototype that used pre-war memories. Nick is a good argument in favor of this theory.