
Sounds like you haven’t played it. Underworld has a metagame progression element, and uses it to surprise and delight the player, rewarding second playthroughs - restarting the game after failure will also yield new results. It seems like pretty cool design.

Loudest fans make the fandom. For any fandom.

I tried to protect you from all this high adventure by having you grow up in wretched, dangerous poverty! OH HOW I ERRED

“Plus they seem to have an odd connection to her by opening up so easily.”

Sure, i’m on board with that.

So what? The point was that cheering is the same as playing - pointless physical activity for spectacle. Yes, tennis is equally pointless.

I mean, he basically summed it up right there. For 600$, it might as well not exist.

Yeah, it’s that second part they fumbled on.

I agree, with Alien Isolation being my exception. They gave you so many interesting tools to overcome the ‘if it sees you, you’re dead’ type of enemy.

Generally, the articles I read about rape or murder aren't reviews.

Why no love for Sworcery? It’s the only mobile game I’ve ever played that felt like a whole experience. I loved every mysterious minute. I wish there were a million more games like it.

Hey, that way they would get paid.

You really think that the opponents of cheerleading are fedora wearing MRAs?


This is brilliant satire criticizing Valve’s terrible quality control.

I would like to be added to your mailing list.

Those series? Maybe, with some pretty heavy nostalgia goggles. Is Mario, as a concept or franchise, better than Undertale? Could be! Is Mario *Golf* better than Undertale? Ehhh....

Stargate Universe was cancelled before its time AND I WILL CUT YOU IF YOU SAY DIFFERENT

The original comment was vague enough that we could easily read it as criticism of the Starfox fan base

Yeah I was just saying there’s a lot in common between the Undertale fandom and the Starfox fandom.