AGREE. Companions also need a map marker.
Yes to all of that, but I also think we should make them try to eat chairs.
In a sandbox RPG, they sort of are? You want the results of your actions to be foreseeable - sensical, consistent. A lot of the joy, for me, came with experimentation.
I mean what’s the point of celebrities if they’re boring all the time? Let’s put them in compromising positions for the public enjoyment! They get to be famous, let’s make em work for it!
Well yeah, they’ve gotta show you how to feel about the content, right?
And maybe some big ol’ floppy boobies. Double D Dog amirite?
Man, I am diligent about stimpacks for Dogmeat. I know it’s basically a waste, but that whining man — that shit gets me where I live.
... wut?
“I wasn’t all that impressed with NVs story.”
Not everybody was as judgmental as Codsworth and Preston. They’re just the first ones you get. Nick rarely cared about things I did — seemed his idea of a good time roughly aligned with my character. Dogmeat never judges you. Finding ANYTHING Curie cared about (either way) was a challenge, but it turned out she was…
What he really likes is when you get into it and then get out of it over and over.
Came here to say this.
Walmaty and target will put open box returns on the shelf as if they were never purchased. Usually you can tell by the hefty amount of shipping tape used to reseal items. Best Buy will generally tell you and give you a discount (but heads up, your warranty started when the first guy bought it.
The professionalism of the people employed at Target? You aren’t a professional anything if you make minimum wage. If you’re processing returns all day (during the holiday season) you’re probably not super motivated to uncover customer schemes.
I feel you. This was certainly one of the darker films in the series. Darker than Episode 4 for sure, darker than Phantom Menace and... whatever episode two was called.
“Two X-Wings are down! That’s half the fleet!”
Food, water. A Jedi craves not these things.
And why did they build it? How did it help them to have it? Can you win a civil war by obliterating your opponents one by one?