
Plenty of machines from 20 years ago have use DOS or Win95 indeed and use obscure drivers that don’t work on newer machines. Or it’s embedded and just cannot be upgraded because nobody thought about it, that it would be needed.

Then again, if a company uses systems that are deemed ‘insecure’ but they are only running

You think that a 4500lb Camry with 30 more horsepower will be faster than a 2800lb YarisGR?


I’m a big Alfa guy

It appears to say “Fan” underneath. So extra cooling fan? Maybe the heater fan? Maybe die-hard Ford Fan?

I was asking for a friend, BTW.

See here’s the thing: Japanese cars don’t require maintenance.

with Japanese industrial knowhow and engineering

“fell squarely onto the 240's roof”

As they say on reddit, username checks out.

128 Month Financing signed with a Vape Pen. 

Never heard the FTH, but I know they put out a kit called the Super 60:

Or have a 61,000 mile, 1981 Talbot Lotus Sunbeam 2.2, 215bhp. £27,995.

Model S with 4 motors and 17 seats coming next week. Will beat Taycan.

No one, including Porsche, has ever had a successful 911 fighting sports car.

This is almost certainly a case of Secret Service orders overriding the Quirks & Features of the Nantucket of Michigan

Calling Mike Pence’s Yuxon XL a trash truck is valid only while he’s in it.

In South Korea you get a headlight. They are called a One Eyed Ox

The only chain with an adjustment on this engine was the silent shaft chain, which directly drove one balance shaft and the oil pump. The other balance shaft was driven in the opposite direction by the oil pump. The one and only timing chain had no adjustment, a hydraulic tensioner kept it snug.