

I first saw this move in 1991 when I was 14. I loved it but I didn’t totally “get” it. I couldn’t yet identify with the anger. I loved the scene when they blow up the truck, but I didn’t “get” it. I remember blaming Thelma for what happened to her. Because I didn’t “get” it at 14.
I watched it again a few weeks ago

Geena Davis (Thelma) and Susan Sarandon (Louise) decided to “just keep going” and drive their Thunderbird into the Grand Canyon. But though the movie is probably best known for that tragic final scene

Why wouldn’t it be.

Seth Woken

I have yet to see one that doesn't.

Yes. I’m only allowed to complain about one thing per year, and this is my thing.

At around 5 a.m. during the first night my boyfriend spent at my apartment, we were shocked out of our sleep by a

Ah yes, shall we just return to the mashed potato and twist to satisfy your generational needs?

I’m glad you are kind of on board, but why would you assume a woman wouldn’t be there for her friends? I’m in no way physically capable of this sort of thing, but I do know that if I were I would never leave one of my team behind. That's not a man thing; that's a human thing.

The fact that he couldn’t recall the term “sapiosexual” is proof positive that he’s never actually been on Tinder. It is included in at least 85% of profiles.

Bahahahaha! I actually went on a date a long ass time ago with a dude who wore a fedora. He was whining about something and I jokingly said “oh you poor white male,” and he like freaked out and went on a tangent on how false rape allegations ruin dude’s lives.

Call of Duty : Modern Candy Warfare

Yeh, the clothing style most DEFINITELY fit the era of clothing. the Early 2000s were a fucked up time for a lot of us.

I totally disagree. I think that the clothing suited their characters, and that the show did a good job with the time they were working with (early 2000s, not a great time for fashion, but definitely a time when those scarves were everywhere) and also growing with them - Rory’s wardrobe in particular. Rory, at the

You know, more than one person can be at fault in a single situation; it’s not a zero-sum blame game. I don’t condone driving after 7 margaritas, but rofl at everyone rushing to commend someone who didn’t see any problem with bringing a single two-top FOURTEEN margaritas.

Wait, we’re applauding the guy who apparently overserved a couple and then called the cops on them because he didn’t like the tip?

“So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.”

Don’t be a dick.