
Bizarro was created by Otto Binder

Was Andy chosen, or did he choose to go himself? I got the impression that he took the dirt out of his own pocket and pressed it into the eyeless girl's hand in order to protect her—that's why he was pulled into the vortex. Did I imagine that?

What does "even harder" even mean in this context? Threatening North Korea with "DOUBLE DOG fire and fury?"

LFB's emoting, in that scene, always seemed spot on to me. Step back and consider how weird that moment was. Donna and James' best friend was recently murdered; Donna is now in love with James, and feeling guilty that her friend had to die to bring her this happiness; she still can't help but feel she was James'

No, I'm pretty sure that was in Nevada.

Good point about the fingerprint. I'd assumed it was actually Dougie's "spirit" that was pulled into the Lodge, but you may be right.

My guess is that they have to come together somehow for the "real" Cooper to return. We know that Coop was supposed to displace Dopplecoop when he finally found his way out of the Lodge. He nearly succeeds in doing so—that's why Dopplecoop crashes the car, fades out for a second, and vomits up all the garmonbozia. At

Interesting, but we know the key that's mailed out of the putative dream actually reaches the Great Northern.

Becky is a drug *addict,* and the loser husband is a drug *dealer.* Instant attraction.

GoT is generally pretty well-directed, but even the best THRONES director isn't David F'ing Lynch.

Indeed. I seemed to recall hearing "18 hours" fairly early on, but the President of Showtime was still making odd comments about the show's format right up until the airdate was finally announced. ("We're going to experiment with format—maybe the various episodes will have different or non-standard lengths, maybe some

Showtime executives, famously, weren't even allowed to see anything Lynch had shot until the show was quite deep into post-production.

That's a minor detail from an episode filmed twenty five years ago, as opposed to a key plot point from an episode Frost was working on at almost the same time he was writing the book, but who knows?

Sure, but Frost was writing it at the same time he was working with Lynch on the scripts for the new season. I think it's fair to assume he'd avoid introducing massive inconsistencies. (Like writing about how Leland met Sarah at UW in the 60s, while simultaneously planning to connect their meeting to the Trinity

CGI (in the context you're using it here) didn't really exist before JURASSIC PARK, released two years after TP went off the air. Those owls in TP weren't CGI.

Indeed. We know from Mark Frost's THE SECRET HISTORY OF TWIN PEAKS that Sarah was born in 1945—that would make her just 13 in 1958, and the girl in last nights episode seemed a little older than that. Also, from the same source, we know that Leland and Sarah meet at the University of Washington in the early 1960s. No

Ray still has a line on that mysterious information (coordinates) that Evil Cooper has been after since the first episode. EC has to get that before he kills Ray.

Junior Marvin, on Bob Marley's "Waiting in Vain"

I look forward to Warner Brothers quietly unannouncing all these movies after JUSTICE LEAGUE and WONDER WOMAN inevitably tank.

I think Davos' motivation is pretty solid—he's fighting for the Realm. He knows that the Wildling army is critical to re-establishing order in the North and defending the kingdom against the Others. (Remember, it was Davos who convinced Stannis to heed the warnings coming from the Night's Watch and head for the Wall.)