
This new "1" collection includes a bunch of 5.1 mixes.

Not in my opinion. Of course, most of Lennon's worst moments were post-Beatles (not covered in SHOUT).

TUNE IN is great, but it's not the best place to start; it's better suited to Beatles scholars than new fans trying to get a handle on the band and its legacy. Plus, as you point out, it only covers up to 1962 (before the Beatles release their first album) and who knows when (or if) Lewisohn will complete future

You have to give the Beatles a break on the steady drumbeat of projects like this. First, the record contract they signed back in the 60s was horrible by today's standards. Thanks to an overdue renegotiation, they made more money off the 90s ANTHOLOGY albums than all their other recordings combined (up to that point).

The absolute, fundamental problem with the prequels—even before you get to the obvious issues with dialogue, etc.—is their utter failure to "earn" Anakin's fall from grace. When it finally comes, it feels entirely random, the result of nothing more than a couple of temper tantrums rather than a sustained and growing

The group behind SESAME STREET hasn't been known as "The Children's Television Workshop" for more than fifteen years now. They're now The Sesame Workshop.