
I can agree with all of that.

Mint is the best personal finance tool ever. They are on all major platforms iOS/Android/Mac/Windows. Mint is made by Intuit, who sells money management related products and most trusted org since many years and I trust them because I use to use their Quicken before which is similar to Mint but a self managing finance

I hope the ropes of heavens ring can handle what's coming.

The Matt Sharp-less band that followed was a sad Weezer tribute act that toured state fairs and corporate retreats.

I'm okay with you saying Susanne is their best song (though it isn't), as long as we can all just agree that Weezer never ever put out an album after Pinkerton.

Dallas bro appreciates the value of a good pair of leather Redwing boots.

Agreed with everything you've said, except the part about investing with a large bank. My fiancee's IRA is stuck in Wells Fargo where they have some really questionable fees. She figured it would be convenient to have her IRA at the same place as her checking account. It costs $100/year right off the top to even have

For years I thought it was just an unfair and bigoted stereotype, but when I'm confronted with this sort of evidence, even I have to admit it. There's no group of people out there with worse sense of humors than redheads.

Well, I don't know that I'd say better—roasted Brussels sprouts are amazing—but different. They're crispier and nuttier, and the scattering-them-across-a-plate-of-ragu thing is mind-blowing. Give it a shot.

I love them roasted at 400 for 35 minutes after covering in oil and salt. Are these that much better to be worth the 20 dollars or whatever in oil to fry them?

Almost as assinine as a company asking Chris Webber to be the spokesman for their NCAA Tournament campaign. What—Adam Morrison wasn't available?

I can't lie, inane as it is, that was my first thought upon seeing that commercial as well.

How did he get invited to the McDonalds for "the best of the best" instead Tom Brady and Peyton Manning?

True but many people (myself included) do not like using desktops for general computing. I have a work desktop at my office for work and a basic laptop for my general computing needs. When I want to game I've got my Xbox.

Ha, that's interesting about guests, and true! The remote is immediate and intuitive, since we all understand remotes. And yeah, the DVR thing could definitely be annoying if want you use it for that. Kind of ties in with how the Xbox One isn't that great for DVR use in general.

I'm a fan as well, and not just for my personal use (but certainly that too), but also because it's difficult to explain how to use the Xbox One to guests. "Yeah, just talk to it and say 'xxxx'. Well, you're probably not enunciating the words correctly. Well, just use the controller. Ok, scroll here" etc. Way easier

They could never build an aircraft carrier as great as the USS Lexington with 300 Corvettes on it.

But we had tanks in the field and boats in the water in Vietnam too. The tanks were forgettable sure but how do you forget the PT boats?