
I honestly don't see an issue with this.

I think the term murder is a bit of a stretch, considering we do this in the United States on a daily basis (3-4 million per year according to the humane society.) The dogs have obviously become a big problem due to their number. I'm sure if we waited for each dog to bite a

How 3rd world of them! See, in America when a furry old dog that nobody wants anymore wanders onto the field of a major sporting events opening ceremony, they let him do the coin toss.

Dude. Homeless people are a problem too but you don't see me giving them Popov vodka laced with Chinese dog food. Not that I don't do it, you just don't see me doing it.

"Murder" seriously? Stray dogs are a huge problem in Russia and almost every single olympic host has done it in the past. Get over yourselves with this shit article for page views.

Fortunately the other team was just a load of whites.

Hey asshole, it's a job. We have workplace regulations and wage laws for everyone. Regardless of what that job is.

I....don't really see the issue here? No one is forcing anyone to be a cheerleader, or pretty, or flat chested, or big boobed, and if you wanna do it, do it, if you don't, don't, and get a job doing something either 1) More productive and 2) Less based on your physical attractiveness?

also this

That's twice this week he's had serious troubles driving.

What a pro!

I can't think of a more contrived event than Pro Wrestling in North Korea.

I propose a mild variation of the third suggestion from the list above. When a team scores a touchdown, they get to kick the extra-point from the regular spot at the 2, but instead of making the scoring player do the kicking, make him be the ball instead.

Imm going to try this AFTER the super bowl. No way id kid myself trying to stay dry while football is still on

I, too, am doing Dry January. (I can't bring myself to call it Drynuary.)

Reading this gives me valid reason to believe I'm probably more of an alcoholic than I choose to admit.

Melo wasn't shaking his head at that ugly play, he was shaking his head because nobody passed the ball to him while he was on the bench.

Talented, Arrogant, and Brak

I enjoy the implication that if you don't like Kanye or consider him a genius then it's obviously because he's black...not because he's an egotistical asshole who makes music that not everybody likes