
Calculator is best computer.

I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of the semantics.. Essentially a steam machine is an open source, upgradable, gaming console, made up of the same (albeit better) components that are sold to people in a locked down PS4 or Xbox1.

A console has a controlled environment that assures developers that all those millions of consoles can play the games they create. Casuals don't have the time or intelligence to buy a console and then 2 years later must upgrade it to play the newest game then 3 years later upgrade again for the newest shiniest game.

America already has a decent reserve of natural resources in its own boundaries...

America should, in the ideal world, just let them duke it out.

The P-270 Moskit Anti-Ship Air to Surface missile has a range of 75 miles and the Kh-31 Anti-Ship Air to Surface missile has a range of 25-50km on active radar, up to 110km on passive radar, so I assume the Chinese would use the same ordnance.

If you bought a Wii U and only played the new mario you've missed out on a lot of greatness. The wonderful 101, zombiu, super mario 3d world, pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, Wind Waker HD, monster hunter 3 ultimate. If you never owned a Wii then you should consider the metroid prime trilogy, xenoblade, sin and

PC CPUs all use the same architecture and share similar chipsets. They all have different degrees of power and setups obviously but at the core, they share the same things. Consoles up until now, were all unique snowflakes when it came to the CPU.

Portugal because of Ronaldo alone. He really is that good. Ghana isn't better then us I would say but its pretty close to even. I don't think they are sitting thinking they got a good draw...especially when you look at Groups F and H

Everytime I read USMNT, my first thought is United States Mutant Ninja Turtles. Every. Fucking. Time.

is Jay-Z going to be as bad an agent as Master P?

Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013

It's an illusion Michael.


No Old Grand-dad 100?

I was talking about hookers.

Next-gen, ladies and gentlemen.