
17. Berating the help.

A proper multiplayer creation of any of the beach heads in WW2 would be amazing.

You can be black (and other things) on the inside.

It's just not realistic that Saban would abruptly pack up and leave for a sweeter deal. Thats not the kind of guy he is.

I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I did:

Mojo, the six-foot-long alligator that lives in his basement.

Hey, maybe if she didn't wanna get hit, she should have been born a man and then hit this guy even harder with her stronger, faster arms.

The last log I left at a party wasn't accepted as well.


Gross? How is changing your name gross? You need to grow up and get some perspective. I'd never force the girl I was getting married to, to change her name but honestly I would be kinda insulted if she didnt. Whether or not you want to believe otherwise, the implied message that about 90% of guys get from that is that


I'll second this advice. I take it a step farther and have a portion of my monthly paycheck direct deposited into this second account. It is just there for emergencies or big purchases (like when it is time for a new computer). I only ever touch it once or twice a year. It is surprising how quickly even a small

Photoshop Contest?

There are a LOT of thirty- and forty-something guys out there who absolutely hate their lives/jobs/wives/families/friends and would kill five hookers to return to their college days, and will overpour/watch Cameron Crowe movies/ogle teenagers/obsess over made-up money lines/refer to their old friends by laughable

Doesn't look at all like a shooting range.

I should make clear that this is the perception, not the reality. Individual NFL legacies are still tied to team success, which is maybe inevitable in a sport where individual stats have become inflated over time.

Even if we could say with absolute certainty that if someone plays football for X amount of years, they'll suffer alzheimers/pugilistic dementia etc, talented athletes would still line up to play. We've known for a long time that boxing causes the same types of injuries and yet there's no shortage of parents that give