
A framed picture of the star wars characters playing in a rock band. Suffice it to say it did not survive the transition from single dude to married dude.

A human body isn’t built for years of minor league play before NFL.

True dat, the suck is especially strong outside of Dallas proper, do people even live outside the city limits? I figured it was still Comanche territory.

Maybe there will be clip of the authors discussing these bullet points online........... anyone? Herrow?!

Wait, he’s alive?

I hate this structure because as a father of a 1 year old, I’ve got to fight for my video game time. I don’t mind at all for RPGs and non multiplayer games being released all at once, but the FPS that I think I’ll enjoy (Battlefront and Halo) are going to get most of my time while they are new so I don’t get destroyed

If you have to ask why there’s a motorcycle dude in space, then ....

Whoa, so Art Briles essentially allowed a rape to happen, bet that weighs on his mind just a tiddle.

I once read somewhere that Beltre said that people trying to touch the top of his head is akin to some body trying to “junk check” him. If that’s the case I feel for him.

Would’ve like to seen Spieth win, but I’m happy Day won. He’s been so close too many times. Plus when Rory gets back into form, there might not be much room on top of the mountain with him and Spieth. Glad he got one while he could and hope he’ll get more.

Whoa hot sports opinion we got here.

Oh geez, weird. but great, but also really weird.

Glad to hear it’s more enjoyable than AD’s revival, because that blew shit fuck balls.

Golf is great. You are not.

Inclusion of Adrien Brody in your comment is perplexing. Would love to see who you rank as the 3 best guitarists of all time, or the 3 best of of any trade. Bet that wild card is pretty intersting.

Must be a cute staffer off stage right.

excellent. he also has the worst game on earth in commando. not the best way to attract the ladies.

“I used to fuck guys like you in prison”

Geez, in the open sea they could get that close to launch a missile? Even if “close” equates to miles, still ridiculous. Passing through a straight or canal is one thing, but not this. I do not understand how Arab speaking insurgents, rebels, terrorist etc are so effective, yet their regulars are trash.

It’s fine with golf when the camera is panned directly on “Zach” and there are only 2 golfers per hole on a PGA Sunday, but yeah I agree for the most part.