Ouch! Imagine working at ARKANE Studios and reading all of this
Ouch! Imagine working at ARKANE Studios and reading all of this
Wit and humour are the true Turing test.
That tweet is 100% the reason they were fired.
I work in VFX on big movie franchises.
I’ve seen people get fired for more innocent tweets than this.
When you work on top secret franchises, you have to learn to shut up your tweeting hole.
You’ll remember this discussion when the site shuts down.
My comment was an innuendo.
I disagree.
I actually really like his idea. It’s first time Blockchain make sense to me.
Thanks for the long reply.
But no thanks for implying that others don’t understand art as much as you and your degrees.
That’s just rude.
As you say art isn’t objective.
And I prefer aesthetic over caricatural art.
But I’m sure you’ll want the last word, so I’ll let you have it.
I find HyperFutureFun’s imaginary game covers classier and more imaginative:
Best Art Direction for Deathloop ?!
The artworks are great but everything feels plasticky and undefined, especially the character models.
You forgot to mention that if you wanted to kick things up a notch, you could pick a black female avatar and be faced with a nice torrent of every imaginable form of online abuse.
Here’s counterpoint on NFTs.
I’m just going to leave this here:
Quantic Dreams first games, Omikron and Fahrenheit, were so full of promise.
But the latter ones are so full of shit.
I’m mentally bookmarking this quote!
“You are not entitled to your opinion.
You are entitled to your informed opinion.
No one is entitled to be ignorant.”
Another tech demo without art direction.
Just make a Switch version already!
This is too good! It should have been a Stadia launch title..