
Jesus. This looks like a fucking abortion.

We’d have been just fine without that psychopath with anger problems.

Most Muslim inventions were stolen from the Byzantines. Just like “Clock Boy” Ahmed.

Fear is the rational response when someone promises to kill you.

He was an ADJUNCT Professor. Which means he shared an office the size of a broom closet with 5 other Adjuncts. He was fucking nobody. And for being President of the Law Review, no one can seem to find any Law Reviews he published...

I’m happy to let them fight their Daesh in their own lands. Build a wall around it. The problem is is that it is effecting Western lands. The reality is that this religio-political ideology of Islam has been at war with the West since it’s inception. It started and expanded as a religion of conquer. It caused the Dark

Looks like we need better screening and the will to send invaders back.

Congrats. Enjoy your Shariah Law and them praying in the streets once they get numerous enough, like they already do in parts of America. Muhammad specifically advocated using the Womb as a method of conquering the Kafir. And stupid Cucks like you are dumb enough not to read their book.

Mass surveillance? The only reason we have to spy on everyone is because of Muslims.

Yep. People who are essentially the European brothers of those already in America. Very similar cultures and people groups.

You wish. Good luck trying to elect Shitlery.

See, what you don’t realize is that we conquered the land fair and square. I mean what do you think is gonna happen when a civilization capable of trans-continental ocean travel meets a group of people that haven’t invented the wheel?

Perfect. I hate Apple products.

Nope. You stole it from the Romans or Byzantines. Just like “Clock Boy Ahmed”.

Nah, it means whoever actually ran the committee hired the right contractors. He doesn’t know shit.

That’s a pretty fair analysis of Iraq.

Well met.

Destroying architecture? No. Lrn too reed betar.

Now playing

Except I’m right. And so is Trump. So eat a dick.

First off, the banner flying behind Bush in a flight suit was because the USS Abraham Lincoln had completed their mission, and the banner was for them, not Bush or the war in Iraq. It was a bad optic, but mainly because the Media purposely used it as such. Of course, you may know that, but you’re intellectually