
I’m not the one asking the everyone around them to not be grossed out by self-mutilation and disfigurement. I’m gonna stay as ugly as I am, and won’t go to try to grow boobs followed by cutting off my dick.

It’s literally a problem or sickness of the mind. There is literally no reason to start lopping parts off of a healthy body or injecting the wrong types of hormones from one sex to another.

No one wants to be around people who self-mutilate. It’s literally an evolutionary defense. People are evolved with a certain level of disgust reflex, and this goes way over that line for almost everyone.

Then go hang out with them. Maybe you can help the guys who got their dicks chopped off keep the wound from closing like the body spends it’s entire life trying to do.

No, it’s a rational thing to say. Clarkson has contributed his entire life to the car community.

Oh really?

The car community will take Clarkson over a bunch of disgusting, mentally ill, mutilated transexuals any day.

Can Africans run a city anywhere?

I can only imagine how long Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence Compliance training takes every year.

I came here looking for this comment. Thank you for your service.

Lol. 175lbs? That’s warm-up weight. I’m going to at least hit 3 reps at 450lbs in 3-4 hours.

The weight issue is why F1 drivers don’t look like Tony Stewart. F1 drivers typically weigh a little under 150lbs, so they aren’t going to gain that much advantage with that extra 20-30lbs placed somewhere else in the car, especially if the person driving it is less capable.

Weight for cars with driver is regulated, so that’s no advantage.

And they repealed those parts, dumbass.

Slap a Chevy bow tie on one of these.

Essentially, the BLM and FWS were angry that birds and wild animals preferred to live on the land that the farmers owned rather than the land that was in Federal possession.