Because the media only threw their entire support behind Barack Hussien Obama until after he proved he had the military chops and understanding to be president...
Because the media only threw their entire support behind Barack Hussien Obama until after he proved he had the military chops and understanding to be president...
You mean Barack Hussein Obama? Or Bathhouse Barry Sotero?
Muslims and Mexicans had very little hand in creating nuclear weapons. Or anything in modern America.
It’s like he had the question ahead of time...
Game Theory played massively into modern warfare and during the Cold War.
Which is 100% feasible and considered so by people who actually know what they’re talking about.
And you seriously think Obama knew what that was before the Media and stupid Americans en mass threw the nuclear football to him?
American Pharoah: Dee Mirich Never Sleeps
The P-51 was far more cost effective. Just like any other plane would be.
100% Agreed. The Muzzrats have been trying to invade for the last 1500 year. Fuck them and their ruined countries. May they live there forever.
Nah, she couldn’t. She’d loose to a moderately athletic guy. She’s still a short, 135lbs woman. She’s not going to be hurting guys any time soon.
Well, the biggest issue that black people face is an average IQ of 85. However, they never seem to want to address that one.
And wisdom.
You know what creates 3rd world countries? 3rd world people.
Or a “butterfly” removes our troops from Iraq and then ISIS fills the gap.
Listen up cocksucker, no one gives a fuck if you call them racist anymore. Literally. Don’t. Care.