
Yeah, it’s just who drove the 2017 headlines. And a scroll through Jezebel’s main page right now makes it clear that they made the right call here as almost all of the headlines are currently about sexual assault/harrassment! But a hell of a lot of their headlines this year have been about Trump. So it makes sense


Because paperwork is boring

I did actually buy my dress at David’s Bridal. I saw an ad for a dress online that I loved and figured I’d try on that one if they had it and then some other similar styles. I love shopping and trying on pretty dresses so I thought this would be a very long process.

If the bride has worn any dresses before then she probably has some idea of what types of fit work. Like my butt is two sizes bigger than my waist so I always feel like I look better in styles that are fitted at my waist and then more roomy throughout the skirt—and therefore could feel pretty confident that I wouldn’t

What? This is definitely the kind of mistake a person would make. You think no human ever has accidentally granted too many people vacation time at once?

They might get extra money on the actual holiday but probably not for the whole two week period around it which it sounds like was the proposed solution.


My dad and step-mom were complaining about the “witch hunt” and my step-mom (who teaches music) was talking about how her male peers are all so terrified of being accused of something and how hard this is on them.

Fruit snacks.

That’s a weird stance. Posting to instagram isn’t difficult or particularly draining, and lots of people genuinely sick in the hospital are bored and trying to keep their minds occupied.

Bipolar disorder doesn’t make you racist.

Probably related to the cigarette in the first picture.

Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything wrong here at all. Though I do think if you are selling something you got for free it would be nice not to sell it for more than original retail value. Like if you get something limited edition worth $50 but selling for over a hundred online once it’s sold out, it would be nice to

On planes I enjoy watching a movie I’m so familiar with that the edits they make to remove anything that anyone might consider inappropriate are really noticeable.

I’ve lived in my house for three years and have spoken to one neighbor one time when there was a community-wide yardsale and she looked at the purses I had out.

I’ve seen a truck around where I live. Like a food truck, but instead of food they sell LuLaRoe.

Too Cool For School have been my favorite face masks that I’ve tried.