Jordan and Barkley were so competitive that they are no longer friends.
Jordan and Barkley were so competitive that they are no longer friends.
Lebron James commits 127 offensive fouls per game.
CHIPS was the best. they would play the reruns from 5:00 - 6:00 weekday mornings when I was in HS and I’d watch those before getting ready for school.
i’d buy it but not for more than $1000. I drove an 86 900 and 89 900 turbo convertible between ‘97 and ‘04. i loved them dearly but they loved the mechanic. and of course they needed to see a special swedish car expert. the repairs were never astronomical but they were frequent. i guess if you have solid mechanic…
How is Yahoo still a thing? What exactly is it? If it was actually worth half a morning dump wouldn’t Apple or Alphabet have purchased it by now?
that just fucking sucks.
what an awful color.
You trying to make me cry? That song gives me the feels, man.
Wilson’s response to this post? Black sportswriters don’t care about writing analytics.
Voodoo Chile on coke. I prefer it on ludes.
You could add this comment to any post about any car and it would be just as interesting and relevant as it is here.
i used midas for about a year. they were fine. then i when i moved to the next state I switched to a local owned and operated shop. they were pretty good to. when i moved across the country i started going to the honda dealer down the street. in each case it was a matter of convenience. i found them all to do adequate…
ya i could never really get into Crash Bandicoot because I’m not a fucking bandicoot and I don’t know even know what that is.
wow. his “quick note” is actually worse than the original quote. i’m surprised these people all decided to keep on living once they “passed through” the life of the almighty. the only reason i ever listened to his grantland podcasts were to hear from his guests and former colleagues.
i’m just happy that i had never heard of any of these fools and now I can be sure to ignore any future posts related to them.
shoot. i must have missed the part of the graduation ceremony where they handed out medals to dudes who didn’t rape any women in their four years of undergraduate study. surely they must have presented these medals as it seems nearly impossible to punch through the destructive party culture that pushes young men to…
no. they. didn’t. that’s the name they went with? fucktards.