
Android Auto integration on a nice big screen is much better than a cheap phone mount. Sounds like you just need a new car.

Picked up my 2023 exactly 2 years ago. Has been a fantastic car. I appreciate that it looks like nothing else on the road. It’s quite funny how much hate BMW gets from commenters on this site.

Last three rentals have been model 3 or mach e through Budget and it's really great renting electric. The rates are same as a compact ice car but added bonus of no refuel before return. Hope these companies keep some of their inventory. 

Republicans have shifted away from free market policies and instead want to bully businesses into living in the 20th century.

Head over to ESPN for a top 100 list of the most overrated sports movie characters of that last 50 years. No way Rick Vaughn throws that well in real life.

My daily driver was a Honda Accord that bought brand new in 2007. It was my first new car purchase and I kept it for 15 and a half years. It was replaced with my current daily driver which is a 2023 BMW IX that I custom ordered in April of 2022. Having waited 15 years to replace the Accord I wanted something that felt

iX is an excellent vehicle and can be had for under 70 pre-owned. And it’s not any uglier than the other options recommended. Have put 12,000 miles on my 2023 iX and the only maintenance I have had to do is add some windshield washer fluid. Flawless ownership experience thus far. Plus, we charge almost exclusively at

I had a Ford Escape rental a few years ago. It was probably a 2019 or 2020 model year and it was complete trash. The materials were awful. The engine was awful. It was honestly shocking. We had a Mazda CX-5 previously and I just remember thinking how far apart the two cars were. How could they be considered the same

My general complaint would be door handles. So many dumb designs. The EV9 handles seem designed to fail.

$1 Bob.

The EV6 isn’t for everyone. But it’s an objectively good car and has its place in the automotive market where it has many fans. Anyone who doesn’t like it should shut up about it and find what’s right for them.

The car I always do a double take with is the Toyota Crown. It’s odd -- but not terrible -- looking and I’m just surprised it exists.

I should note that my current primary car is a German EV and my last car was a Honda so I’m not really a Toyota guy. But they do have a solid strategy even if it is a bit boring.

I'm an American and I know that classic white bread makes the best PB&J. Toyota knows this as well. They know vanilla ice cream sells and is essentially the base for all other ice cream flavors.

wireless android auto integration. works flawlessly on my cars and I would not buy a car without it.

Might be time for me to start up a car service. 

I’m Dave Ramsey’s worst nightmare. Paying 3k/month for 2 cars right now. Max before that was about $600/month but had my Accord for 15 years, 10 with no car payment so that helped.

But he’s also not much of a story teller. How could one do a review of a new Fisker without talking about the first Fisker? He simply mentioned that it’s a new(ish) car company. It sort of is but its founder previously started a failed company with almost the exact same name. So HE also failed to make the review

I first heard of him just a little over a year ago maybe and watched a couple reviews. I thought he was an amateur reviewer because of how ill informed he was on the products and the market. Haven’t watched since.

Model Y. It’s a jelly bean on wheels.