
The Warriors got beat up in that game. Lebron committed about 273 fouls. One on cut to the basket he just threw Iggy out of the way. I guess Cleveland figured out the switching problem. So the Curry et al had a tough time getting going and got frustrated. On top of that the Cavs (Smith especially) made the kind of

also, a lot of the parking lots/garages in LA have tons of spots designated for compact cars. these spots are tiny and typically take of 90% of the lots (that’s just a rough guesstimate). The problem? There are actually no “compact” cars on the road. the compact/economy segment is made up of cars larger than the big

what’s also interesting is that I have a hard time finding comfortable seating position in many cars. the seat just doesn’t seem to go back far enough. And i’m not actually that tall (6'1). So they can’t get it right on either end of the “normal” spectrum.

rich white people are the worst. and i say that as someone who is currently white and soon to be rich.

My darling I can’t get enough of thick love babe

simulating interior rattles?

pretty sure harry potter is a hitler reference.

I’m probably halfway through now. It’s a good game but not great. Very slow with a lot of story clearly aimed at longtime fans. Can’t fault it there but really nothing dramatically new in terms of gameplay. Graphics are nice. It’s also very easy so far. I’ll reserve final judgement until I complete it but I’m happy

Kevin Willis played for something like 27 years and then the Spurs put his jersey on a mannequin and put that on the floor for another 9 seasons or so.

I figured he was playing Tim, Andre and Manu in the 4th becuaee that might be it for them. West tootoo perhaps.

I just l-o-v-e Andrew bogut.

Da fuq is usl?

i don’t think he has bad form. it’s just more similar to that of a woman baller.

blake griffin would be so much better than lebron. his acting in the kia commercials is actually pretty good. timing would be good because I good see bugs offering some solid advice about dealing with anger management. lebron is so damn boring.

i usually just masterbate on my knees. Head down, tears streaming down my face upon my chest, shoulders heaving with each heavy sob.

can’t we all just get along?

so was he just looking for green to say “hey, what can I say? we were making it rain all night! fuck houston!”



what the fuck are you talking about?