
yes it was on the live broadcast. the gatorade and the kiss.

he completely saved this one. he wasn’t getting anything from Norman. Miller did ok. And Marshawn picked up right where he left off last year. Good stuff.

Everyone commenting is retarded. Get a fuckin clue.

you can’t safely do this in a public restroom with a high flush rate. the kickback is too strong. sometimes just standing near the toilet feels like the lettuce section of the produce dept when the mister is on.

agreed. but percentages weren’t bad so I’m pulling for striped shirt to get an all star game spot over drummond.

this was the alternate ending from the director’s cut. unfortunately, in the theatrical release the kid with one red sock didn’t make it.

he is just damn happy being on the warriors. it’s the ultimate dream job for a guy like that.

regarding retirement savings, folks in the lower tax brackets should look at investing in a roth ira or roth 401k.

It’s just great how someone with a hashtag can put on like their leading a movement while someone who actually gives back to his community in terms of millions of dollars and thousands of man hours gets called out. There are those who do and there are those who talk about doing. Lebron doesn’t need a hashtag. Just

suspension needs to be at least 4 games. that is conduct detrimental to the game. let’s keep things consistent rog.

Brady is a resident of Massachusetts. A converted Masshole. Trump can’t win in Massachusetts. I would be more interested in Peyton’s opinion on Trump. He in a better position to influence voters assuming his current permanent residence is not in Denver.

Papa John’s Truffle Lovers Pizza. LOL. I bet he does serve fancy versions of PJ’s pizza at his dinner parties with Peyton Manning. That guy has filmed about 500 commercials and still looks so damn uncomfortable in front of the camera.

i get that way sometimes. he takes a lot of “bad” shots and takes on two or three guys by himself sometimes. he is passing less this year. but his percentages are off the charts based on volume and they are winning so the rest of the team seems content. the problem is there is really no one who can match up with him

can byron grow some nuts now and put kobe on the bench? he can drag him out 30 seconds before halftime for a standing ovation from the crowd (guess they can put something on the jumbotron like “clap or the building will explode).

reads chicken wings story. thinks “hmm, kinky.”

what happened just before Rousey lost her balance? did she take a few blows to the head? she left herself pretty defenseless upon getting back to her feet.

underrated age 39/40 Jordan stat: he played in all 82 games that season.

not understanding the issue. if you can’t make enough money to feed and shelter your family on YouTube, then get a real job.

rex ryan continues to troll america by maintaining his status as an NFL head coach.