
pita chips and spinach/artichoke dip come to mind first but depends on the restaurant and what the menu offers.

i was next to someone in a DMC a few years ago during SF rush hour. Looked neat but sounded like shit. But he regretted that decision immediately.

That’s what happens when the patriots equipment guy takes pagano into the bathroom before the game.

if the president has time to personally block people from twitter then I’m sure y’all do too.

assault with a deadly weapon. attempted homicide. this guy probably getting locked up for a while.

it is a nice stretch of road. nicer heading south I think so you are driving to someplace nice. truth is there are thousands of great driving roads all over the country. you’ll never find the best one. the road up to Big Bear is great without traffic. PCH from Monterey to San Simeon is wonderful without traffic.

saw that Ferrari.....

honey, if i stimulate your clitoris tonight will you pack my lunch in the morning? And can I have and extra snack pack? Oh and will you tell your friends because I’m terrible at everything else in life and feel like a complete failure most of the time.

her love is real, but she is not.

shit. i already put $1000 down on Kirk Hinrich.

My sil bought a subsidized phone from Costco but the 3rd party rep keyed it in wrongwrong in vzw’s system soshe got the new lower price plan. Otherwise it should have been a 2 year contract extension at the old price. Talked to a Verizon employee and he said it’s not the unheard of so might be worth a shot for anyone

wow. this actually looks pretty decent. i thought honda completely gave up on the civic and it was going the way of the corolla. this is actually something i would consider for a daily commuter.

iOS 9 (code name: Kit Kat).

pretty sure you don’t get into porn to get into acting. they call it a foot in the door and not a tit or a dick in the door. if you want the job you give the handy to the director off camera, not on.

what is this and why?

ok now everyone back to your mom’s basement.

he clearly did not approve of the fart score that accompanied roger’s official statement.

looks like i better work on my chinese sparerib recipe for next year’s fourth of july celebration. want a warm welcome for your new leaders.