Tom Brady should announce his retirement today. Superbowl MVP and beating Goodell in court. That’s a nice way to wrap up a stellar career.
Tom Brady should announce his retirement today. Superbowl MVP and beating Goodell in court. That’s a nice way to wrap up a stellar career.
that league statement is hilarious. yes, thank you NFL for dragging us all through this shit show for 8 months to prove the CBA works. It just takes investigative reports, severe disciplinary action, appeals, lawsuits, hearings and a court’s decision but it’s all worth it in the end, right?
the more stuff there is to see and do, the more there is to get upset about.
step one: purchase new tech
That is what everyone should do. Force apple and Samsung prices down for the masses.
Verizon rep told me you can basically pay the old subsidized rate up front now to keep your monthly payments lower. I’ll pay for the whole thing up front but good to know for folks who don’t like change.
cheerleaders look so silly in pro sports. in amateur sports too but I guess it’s a good extracurricular while in school. i just feel like the jumbotron does a better job of leader cheers in a 20,000 seat arena than a bunch of babes with pom poms.
Please just buy a Moto X or other lower cost phone.
it’s huge and lots of mexicans are trying to get in or it just hosted the special olympics world games.
what a dick. guess what, buddy? marriages don’t always work out. but when that happens you communicate openly and honestly with your partner and make a decision together regarding the next steps. grow the fuck up. can’t stand assholes like you.
what about a modem for internet and home phone? do i still have to rent that one from TWC?
what about a modem for internet and home phone? do i still have to rent that one from TWC?
more like panty dropper with those credits. make it rain!
leftover spaghetti with clams from Maggianos spilled in the back (cloth) seat of my Hyundai Elantra. Got it out with no lingering smell. Soaked up with paper towels and then rubbed in an entire bottle of resolve powder. let that sit overnight and then vacuumed it up. perfect!
this is an excellent point. the league still refuses to answer for not clarifying the facts in that first week regarding the amount of deflation.
two things stick out to me. 1) the NFL completely mishandled this in those first two weeks by letting the media run wild with the “cheating patriots” story and the 11/12 under inflated footballs. they could have nipped the whole thing in the bud right there by coming out and clarifying the actual facts. 2) if the…
i came for the headline and was glad the story was included right there. not about to read 600 words about a 30 sec fight. Douche-nozzle.
fuck roger goodell. he is the worst.
the answer to the question about the bible verse is everything. i’m a tolerant person but this helped me realize that saying “be who you want to be” isn’t the same as “be who you are”.