
i can only imagine some of the dumb shit I would say if I was unscripted on radio 3 hours a day. holy shit that is a scary thought. i mean, some of the comments I put up here are idiotic, thoughtless, insensitive and a poor reflection of the person I want to be, but I still stay them.

eating out is expensive. you are paying a lot of $$ over the cost of the food for the convenience of having someone else (a skilled chef) prepare your food, the quality of said food and the atmosphere (sort of the umami of a place). Any disruption is annoying and that includes bad service, bad smells, other customers

Hyundai is making same nice looking vehicles these days. Rather depressingly, attractive and reliable have become the new quirky and exciting. it’s just what most people want.

1. so much plastic surgery

is that turbo stick on from a saab or volvo?

why not a larger curved monitor? current setup just seems inadequate given the effort put into building the rig.

said no Ben Affleck ever.

did you really just write somewhere close to 5,000 words on this?

or just bring in tub girl to blast halfway across the state.

if the series went to seven then I think Lebron gets it win or lose. Fact is his team only won twice so there was no way he was getting that award. On the Warriors side, I think it was even between Steph and Dre as they both hit big shots down the stretch in the last three games. Still, Curry hit the free throws to

my one and only accident (so far) wasn’t an on ramp but merging to the off ramp. it’s rush hour and jammed up (we’re barely rolling along) and i see a clear opening so gas it a little to move over while stupidly assuming the person in front is doing the same. she doesn’t and I tap her bumper. of course she’s in an suv

or the faggio moped.

Wayne Brady is next!

anything in the degree adrenaline series - prefer the black or ice one. they work well, last all day or a couple if I’m not very active. my skin tends to be very sensitive and i haven’t had issues with degree. it goes on dry so you don’t get the sticky pit feeling. i give it two confident arms up.

anything in the degree adrenaline series - prefer the black or ice one. they work well, last all day or a couple if

BFD. Looks like a bloated 5 series. nothing interesting. is this actually considered a redesign or a refresh? btw, can’t recall the last time I actually saw a newer 7 series in the wild. recall seeing the alpina b7 at the LA auto show and even that was blah.

the bandwagon got very crowded last night. I jumped on in the playoffs last year and have followed the team closely all season. during the first 3 rounds this year barely any interest here (Los Angeles). Last night standing room only at the bar with 53 tvs tuned to the game.

not a sheryl sandberg in the bunch.

i have had a windows 7 laptop for 4 years and have not had one virus. last time i had a virus issue was probably in windows 98 back in college. i don’t use any third party security app, just the windows built in and it seems to work just fine.

Snaps into a slim Jim.....