Windmills of your Mind

For the love of god, yes, I watched them. If the kid is weird or on the spectrum, so fucking what? That doesn’t mean he is or isn’t a murder. It just means he’s got shit going on. People suffer from all sorts of shit. Anxiety, depression, personality disorders. What is your point?

I’m not saying being 9 means you can’t be a murder. But thanks for projecting. I’m saying if I were being interviewed as a 9 year old and my sister had been murdered, whether I had done it or not, I probably wouldn’t be the most confident person ever. Do you remember being a kid? I remember freaking out being called

Eh. She’s human. She hates her dad for what he did, but we’re all human and all of us have been hypocrites. Maybe she never thought she would be the other woman or because nothing physical happened she justifies it to herself so that it doesn’t take away from her still thinking her dad is a P.O.S.

well i mean, you can still be seen with the person you are divorcing, especially when there are kids present.

Well at least he didn’t illegally procure her some vaccinations. She could have gotten autism!

Even if Jim Carrey did get the pills for her, she and she alone is responsible for taking her own life. Nobody can make anybody commit suicide. Blaming Carrey for White suicide is like blaming a widow for supplying unending amounts of unhealthy food to a spouse that died of a heart attack.

An ex of mine was (is? he may still be, dunno) an adjunct and he got a lot of negative feedback about his sense of humor - he was really sarcastic and kids thought he was making fun of them. I pointed out that a lot of his students were the first in their families to go to college so, you know, maybe try not to sour

I generally think demanding that high school teachers protect the delicate ears of their students is laughable (many of my best high school teachers could only go about 1.5 periods without swearing and “it’s debate not masturbate” is the best thing I’ve heard all day), but this woman didn’t just swear, she went

It’s no different than when people say a christian shithead who did something horrible isn’t a real christian.

So......I am really pulling for Rob and Chy. I dated someone who had clinical depression and went through the ups and downs just like Rob. It was incredibly tumultuous and we fought very often. Watching their show is like reliving that relationship. When things were good, they were fucking great but when they were

Not that far off. I forgot where I read it, but his family owned a Fried Chicken place that was getting noise complaints. The city forced it to close at 10PM instead of 24 hours then when the cops showed up to enforce it his brother fought them and was arrested. Father and Brother fled the country back to Afghanistan.

Yes, pipe bombs should never be classified as weapons, ever, so the unarmed teenager narrative can be reinforced. Also, whatever he used to shoot the cop. Must have been unarmed.

I think there was something about his family’s fried chicken place being legislated against for noise issues and his brother being arrested. Then his father and brother fleeing to Afghanistan. So his failed martyrdom was actually some petty crap about his family’s chicken place. So “loser that couldn’t hack it” seems

This fucking loser is an American citizen trying to kill people in the country that took him in, gave him citizenship, and provided him with opportunity. Here’s where everyone comes out to equate America with all the other horrible evils in the world. Yes, America has systemic, terrible problems, and questionable

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

I was replying to another commenter, who asked about how things like this can be prevented. In many cases the people who are most vulnerable to radicalization young and have a profound sense of alienation. There are programs in Europe that have proven combating alienation in certain populations curbs their

I mean we could work on not alienating people within our own country based on their cultural/ethnic/religious identities. It won’t 100% prevent things like this but it might make people less vulnerable to being radicalized or whatever. We’re currently not doing a great job of being inclusive at all. the discourse

I am waiting to go into a funeral of a dear friend and so I’m already extremely emotional. But omg I love her and she is definitely in the Friend Hall of Fame.

Maybe Taylor likes to put on a disguise and troll for hookers who look like Karlie Kloss and one night she lost control of her car, went through the rails of a bridge and crashed into a river. Taylor got out but date for the evening was stuck in the car but Taylor didn’t call 911 because she didn’t want people to find

I love Kim’s sense of humor.