
Ares was not responsible for the evils of man. People were fighting wars without Ares' intervention. It was because of that that Ares wanted kill off humanity and start over. Indeed, all he did was just give the German general the idea to use the gas but that was it.

Based on what?

The person he responded to said she was just a supermodel. That's what Carlos was responding to. Being a model and not speaking english well doesn't mean you can't act either.

"Never mind that this film has no other well-written female characters besides Diana."

They were isolated from mankind by their gods.

Her relationships with her aunt and mother where not shallow. They could have used more screen time yes, but that didn't make them shallow. You can do a lot with little time.

Hippolyta tells her if she leaves she can never return and if BvS is anything to go by, Diana didn't return to Themyscira.

Good thing that's not what he actually said. It helps to pay attention instead of having knee jerk reactions.

Replace Wonder Woman with Captain America and you'd have the same argument. Actually, I'd say this is even more true for Captain America as while Diana actually has an arc of having to adapt to a different environment and accept that her viewpoints aren't always correct, Steve basically has no real challenges with his

I'm pretty sure they were exoskeleton enhancements in the original games too.

They ditched the cleavage window for the cartoon.

Her beating Ares didn't stop the war. There had been attempts to do so by others as the movie showed. Once the general was out of the way, those came to fruition.

The film certainly seemed to think she was one. Steve even defends her actions twice. And there's Clint's "you're an Avenger " line in the climactic battle.

And they didn't. They built a statue to commemorate the guy who saved it. The city destroyer was Zod. Remember him? He was the one did the damage starting with the World Engine and then culminating in attacking Clark and threatening to kill all of humanity.

"I think the difference is that the Amazons were basically hidden on Themyscira by the gods, so they were forbidden to leave."

Here ya go

Showcasing her butt? You mean the scene where she sweeps the guy's leg? That's barely even noticable.

None of the characters you mentioned are known for being able to solo the League. Desaad in particular is a coward unless the opponent is completely at his mercy.

Maybe if that audience ignores the soldiers standing up for him in MoS, the statue in his honor and the funeral at the end of BvS.

You mean the places that get leveled in 90% of Superman stories?