
Minor thing. The people who gave the first slayer her powers weren't white. They were black men.

Oh? What exactly do they mean then?

And? What do those prove? Putting a character through the ringer does not a hater make. By this logic, virtually every person who's ever written Spider-Man or Daredevil hates them.

For the first two seasons maybe.

Last time I checked, medieval Europe didn't have dragons, ice zombies and homeless people with stone skin.

You get out of here with your logic, you.

I highly doubt that's the kind of show we're going to be getting from these guys judging by their work in the recent seasons of Game of Thrones.

If the Secret Service investigated everybody who said an unkind word about Trump, they'd be stuck doing it til the Apocalypse.

Well a whole bunch of people - including Gwen Stacy - wold still be alive if Peter had put a certain whack job in green and purple six feet under where he belonged.

The scene in Africa is more the exception to the rule and involved a woman he was implied to be marrying. He also came to a Senate meeting to answer for his actions something Bruce did not do. He also says did not kill the terrorist.

None of that stuff had evidence tying him to the crime (the attempted mruder was just Lois' word against his). The bullet investigation on the other hand helped.

Say he stops Zod's heat vision. Then what? There is no kryptonite at this time, no red sun cells to contain him. How is he to stop Zod permanently? This complaint seems to ignore the detail that Zod wasn't going to stop at that one family.

Watch those scenes again. Most of the damage is being cause by Zod.

It's pretty clear that he's sad because he feels alone and feels he has no place in the world. You can clearly see this when he is shown being happy after finally getting answers about where he came from. 99% of the things that people claim were missing are pretty obvious if you actually pay attention.

How do you think Luthor ended up in prison if you think Lois' investigation meant nothing?

They did. Superman mostly sticks to saving people from natural disasters and fighting back alien invasions (and with the former he does it with the approval and aid of the military). Batman is a crazed loon who actively seeks out fights and mutilates people, particularly those of lower class.

Care to point out where Snyder actually said he hates Superman?

The point of the Punisher is to reinforce an outdated moral rule that maintains the status quo of the main villain repeatedly bedeviling the hero and anyone who takes permanent action against said villain is just as evil.

I have more of an issue with her getting Ben Urich killed and then suddenly being qualified to take his job.

It's odd that Elena would just call Foggy "the handsome lawyer" given she knew him by name. Why beat around the bush?