Hippolyta to Diana: They do not deserve you.
Hippolyta to Diana: They do not deserve you.
When did Snyder ever claim there was no destruction in MoS?
The people who worked on Superman animated flat out said they hated it and would have preferred working on Batman instead
The family that speechifies together will stay together.
"You wouldn’t assume there’s a connection to be made between Donald Trump and Hulk Hogan’s penis."
Again my issue isn't the killing itself just that this never gets acknowledged
Red Tornado was stated to be sentient when she blew him up.
So is the show going to address that Kara killed Rhea and possibly dozens of other Daxamites? Or will this be ignored like when she killed Parasite and Red Tornado.
Tbf, Lena's no more thick than anyone else in Metropolis.
I wasn't even aware this was still going on. Surprised it lasted this long.
I've been told a password doesn't need to be particularly complex just something easy for you to remember.
Tbf, Olivia did try to keep Huck from killing her dad once.
"Somebody has yet to run the numbers but I'll get the average season of Flash has the same if not more percentage of Barry moping over Iris/WestAllen screen time"
Wanting to protect iris (and everyone else) from death is not the same thing as obsessing over her romantically. And yeah, Felicity has gotten less screen time now, but that was in reaction to how much people have grown to hate the character.
Hardly. Barry hasn't been as stuck on Iris since season 1. He's had other things to occupy his focus afterwards.
I'm sure there's a fanfic of that somewhere.
Felicity's issue is she's way too integral to the team. She hugs the spotlight and takes development from every other character. Doesn't help she became all about Oliver once she became a love interest and is overall an obnoxious hypocrite.
Damn straight.
What exactly is supposed to happen in a poster like this?