
It seemed like a school with an overly idealistic philosophy. I think Witherspoon's character said it was like private school for the price of public, so the staff is probably overly egotistical about their ability to solve all problems. It seemed like the teacher thought that talking about it in front of everyone

It makes for some godawful mac and cheese though. Yes, she really does that and tries to feed it to me.

It's not letting me edit so I'll just add—whoops, I meant to say Nina, not Juliette.

Revenge turned to crap, imo, because the original showrunner left. But the majority, who hated S2 (which was still his), will disagree with me.

I had the same thought this episode. He is haunted by it so much that, based on the morally questionable Noah we know, it doesn't seem to be at all simple as assisted suicide. It's possible he wrote that note without her assistance. His confession to Alison seemed genuine, but given how much he seems to be struggling

Yeah and we don't really see a good psychological reason for this change either, in my opinion. Last season she was stuck on the show and did it but also kind of hated it in a small way. I don't really see what changed that made her want to do it so badly. I could be behind this character shift if they gave me

This season has just felt unbelievable in general, from Rachel's mom's weird alliance with Jeremy to Chet's hard to swallow transformation and return to Coleman's sudden appearance. It feels like they feel like they have to impress us with wild storylines, but I'm just here for the characters.

Okay, I get that the showrunner worked on The Bachelor, but so many things in this show just pass the line of believability for me. The forged note last season and now this. There is no WAY they could get away with this kind of maneuver. Any viewer with a brain and a phone would see Darius's accusation and wonder if

Dance, so is Holly Hunter not coming back?

Did his dad actually die? I thought that was a quick lie to get sympathy points since she was telling him off during that time and was possibly about to walk away. Like how he said he was diabetic when she found the needle.

One callback I caught was co-op lady ranting about how they were garbage island, referring to Abbi's panicked declaration while high or something that they were "GARBAGE PEOPLE LIVING ON GARBAGE ISLAND"

I like the later more sharply plotted Gilmore Girls seasons but there's some indescribable quality in how nice and lifelike these first seasons were.

I miss this show bad. It was pretty aimless in its first season, but Gilmore Girls was too to a degree. It sucks there's not even a DVD release.

Wow, why don't I hate this? It doesn't look original or interesting. But you can just tell he'll die at the end and she'll live on *forever changed*.

There were maybe some different better ways to word that headline

I'm not exaggerating, just giving my genuine estimation of the show. I think season five WAS bad, very bad, and I thought the first three seasons were good, even great. And I watch a lot of shows. I didn't like season four either and already wrote some reasons why. It's just become a lifeless moralistic soap opera

Yeah there is no real substance to this show at all. It used to feel like a look at a real family, and now it's just "let's see what funny situations we put these wild poor people in this week!"

I don't agree about season four. I thought Fiona's storyline was an easy, cloying morality tale and felt Mickey and Ian's interactions became unrealistic. On a separate note Lip used to truly love Karen or at least think of her as a good friend, but now he's all but forgiven the girl who incapacitated her for life.

This show displays one of the worst quality drops I've ever seen. It used to have so much heart in the first couple seasons and now it's shallow as sweat.

The Toy Story series represents this thankless job as the epitome of emotional fulfillment for a toy. For the characters, freedom is actually the worst thing that can happen to you. Toy Story does address this but in the opposite light.