
Me too. disappointed.

I'm in a similar boat of spoiled rich boy problems, although now it's more like a sinking ex-rich kinda-poor boy type boat. I had leftover college savings my parents said were mine, which I were free to use. I was tired from college so I took a year off in a nice apartment, $800/mo (raised to $910 now), using those

Yes, I am one too. And they are awful movies.

Have you tried MMORPGs? Those are pretty good for that sort of thing.

my poor ears

I've had a lot of penises in my mouth and that is not a penis.

Since the method was to choose the emoji used more by that state than any other state, no two states could have the same representing emoji. How they chose the one out of the likely multiple emojis a given used more than any other state I'm not sure, probably by the greatest difference.

further experimentation, I believe

If you ask me a lot of the talk seems pretty removed from Lee herself, as if the public owns Mockingbird more than her and knows what she ought to do with her characters and writing just because we've deemed the first book to be a great work of literature. And people wonder why she decided to never publish another

Is there some evidence of manipulation I'm not aware of? The investigators spoke with Lee and confirmed she approved of publishing the book. Writers can change their minds, especially near the end of their lives. And I'm inclined to believe that if the editing was rushed, it might be because there would be even

I recently got back into Tomodachi Life. Apparently the summer heat has been getting to my Miis because they've been getting married and having hideous babies at an alarming rate. I'll definitely be playing more this weekend. Still addicted to Splatoon, too.

While I don't find time every year, I really like playing Animal Crossing during the summer. The atmosphere is great and the summer is filled with a lot of different activities and the best bugs and fish. The original's my favorite. Unfortunately my memory cards are starting to corrupt so I need to find a way to back

It was unfair, overly sexual, and objectifying, but I don't really think of it as sexist. They weren't discriminating against her *because* she's a woman, but they were discriminating for sex appeal because they had objectifying standards for a role. Is it evidence that things are harder for women in Hollywood? I

Rewatched some Freaks and Geeks and a little of early The Office, when it was still good.

I'm interested, but the trailer scared me too much… :(

They should be fighting over who didn't write this movie.

She is definitely his manifestation of Sarah. Danny's old girlfriend said she caught him talking to an imaginary person named Sarah when John interviews her late in the season. The things she says don't make logical sense, but it makes sense in the sense that Danny has kept her alive all these years in his head due to

Really interesting thoughts.

wow. I've even read this and i totally forgot about it lol. thanks for the refresher! It really sucks they hijacked his film.

What did Dan Harmon hate about it? Very interested.