
Yeah, that last paragraph there is what we call feminism.

Get back to me when one of those femdom “Goddess” types starts shooting up random men she thinks have wronged her.

Pretty much, yes.

They couldn’t even make it through a pandemic without howling about I need a haircut!!!!

It’s easy to understand. They don’t want to chop wood, kill an animal, or provide for 20 kids. They want all the goodies of a ‘traditional’ marriage without any of the responsibilities that come with the masculine role. And therefore they have nothing to offer a ‘traditional’ woman.

I don’t know that this person is a grown-ass man, given that their Gary Stu game is set in school. Their English also seems a bit off. Guessing it’s a high school student outside of the US.

Sure, but you’re still trying to find the silver lining in stack ranking. There’s no good in and it never had any good purpose - it was always part of that survival-of-the-fittest, strive-for-excellence, dog-eat-dog corporate zeitgeist that we now cynically make fun of. The cruelty of stack ranking was always the

No, they engage in other kinds of fuckery other than formal stack ranking. One of them is the practice of making sure that employees’ records always has a “merit-based” reason to kick them out - that’s why you’ll see rating scales where nobody ever gets a 5 out of 5, or where there is always some nitpicky thing where

Very pro-cheese here as well, but I am baffled at the idea that these are eight distinct categories. Great Parmesan is a snacking cheese! Feta can be eaten straight up as a snack AND crumbled on salad! Having 7-8 categories of cheese is the over the top. Having the exact same cheese with multiple applications just

Again: stack ranking won’t fix that problem. It’s not a magical tool that objectively allows even bad managers to weed out crappy employees. Those bad managers will not suddenly become good decision-makers about which employees to cut. The “caring” (bad) manager will continue to be bad at their job by culling

“It’s legal and it’s the norm” is not really a defense of anything?

Man, I was looking forward to AC Mirage but Basim? “Let’s play to find out how he became a complete unlikeable asshole later in life!” Nah.

It’s a Harry Potter game. Because it was one of many anticipated games that didn’t make this listicle, many of the people who have “own the libs” as their entire personality have decided this was a political move.

I know “bull curve” was probably a typo but you were unwittingly spot on.

Policies like this will push them to take off their rose-colored glasses and actually look to see if there are any issues” - no, they won’t. It will push them to get rid of employees to meet that quota by whatever means necessary, and then to stop when they hit that 5%.

Work rankings have been a thing since forever, but stack ranking is a long-discredited management tool. Even Microsoft stopped using it years ago. That Blizzard is still using it in the 21st century (or, god forbid, just started using it) signals that it is run by incredibly stupid and incompetent leaders.

You can’t meet them, or rather him, because Jack Welch has been in the ground for a while now. Stack ranking was one of those bygone Boomer-era ‘tough management’ fads that business leaders thought was great because Welch championed it, and hey, he was running GE and making record profits, so it had to work, right?

If your company hasn’t already fired the shitty 5%, what makes you think stack ranking is going to change anything?

I understand why you didn’t complain but it wasn’t fine that they underpaid you.

Wait, you think CEO pay should be tied to the performance of the company? That’s crazy talk!