
Probably not. You’d have to be able to show that the food would have been safe to eat if the refrigerator was at the right temperature. Most people are going to assume food poisoning happened at the restaurant, not as a result of a shitty hotel fridge. (And then you’d have to have damages high enough to bother suing a

The whole point of the temperature range is that’s when bacteria are able to grow in your food. It’s not “mostly safe” at 45 degrees. Are some foods more dangerous than others? Yes. Does that have anything to do with hotels doing this? No.

Also, to be confident about telling creeps and blowhards to leave them alone (and how to report them to gym management).  

“Gang” works.

Your glass house has excellent wifi.

Sells to whom?

“I go to Hooters for the amazing chicken wings” is the restaurant version of “I read Playboy for the articles”.

Though I would 100% go to a Hooters clone where all the ‘busty waitresses’ were drag queens.

So was getting a perm (in 1983). I’d give both a miss.

In the good old days, developers didn’t ask for all the money up front.

Your argument is that it’s OK for reality shows to lie, not only to us the viewer, but to the people who appear in those shows, and the moral responsibility is 100% on us not to believe the lie?

Interesting that the author of that op-ed didn’t link to the ‘dozens’ of studies she’s citing. As a law professor she knows what she’s doing.

Anyone else remember The Godfather being aired on TV with disclaimers because of the concern that Italian-Americans were being stereotyped? That was, what, 1977?

I’m not following you. Instead of having a brief ESRB warning on the package or a splash screen, we should direct people to stop and go carefully review an entirely different website before they play?

Hi, youngster, “conflict” warnings have been slapped on games for ages. You just didn’t notice them because you skimmed by them or because you didn’t have an ax to grind about ‘trigger warnings’.

Yeah, so on #5, ASK FIRST.  Don’t be that guy who swoops in and grabs a bag from a “struggling” person’s hands and only then asks “do you need help with that”. 

Thanks! The desert setting didn’t wow me, but I’ll give it another go based on yours and others’ comments.

OK, I’m listening. Why is Origins the best? I started it, it was okay, I liked the interplay between Bayek and his wife instead of him being a tortured loner, but I wasn’t swept away by the paint by numbers “you hurt my family” revenge narrative. What am I missing?

Shhh! He’s generating great bits for Tesla employees’ lawyers to use in their discrimination lawsuit. Don’t interrupt the man while he’s making completely unforced errors.